We talked for about 20 minutes until we heard a knock, "stand here so he won't see you until he fully comes in alright" I whispered to Anne as she told me her name.

I open the door to find Harry as he was in the morning, lazy. "What did you call me over for dimples, is something wrong?" He asked concerned as he walks into the dorm.

I close the door and he got a glimpse of his mother, he looked furious about what he saw infront of him.

"Harry, calm down baby, she just wants to explain herself" I say trying to calm him down before it escalates.

"NO no, I'm leaving I TOLD YOU I don't want to see her again Bella." He shouts back at my face while he points at me than Anne.

Before he could walk out Anne shouts at him, "PLEASE, please Harry give me a chance" she begged.

He looked down at her as she's fallen to the floor, he had tears falling down his face. "I don't give chances to anyone, leave NOW" he says pointing at the door.

She gets up and walks out of the dorm in tears, he closed the door and walked towards me.


He pushed me to the wall and continued to yell, I slid down the wall in tears. "I'm sorry" I cried out.

I put my hands on my face and my knees against my chest as I cried. He noticed what he has done and backed away.

"B-Bella I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry, it's just that-" he said cutting himself off. I look up at him, "you gave me a chance, why didn't you give her one" I say, whipping my tears away.

"YOU KNOW WHY I-" he shouts before realizing he is, "you know why I didn't give her a chance, I hate her and will always hate her" he said before walking out of the dorm and left me in tears.

I quickly got up to pack some sporting clothes in my duffel bag and head to the gym, I might not seem the girl to punch a punching bag, but I am.

Once I got there I say hi to James, the instructor there and went into the woman's locker room to change.

Once I got out I put on a pair of gloves than went over to the bag to punch the shitty things that happened today.

The last words Harry told me before he left kept running through my head than caused me to make a hole through the bag. "UGH" I yell forcing out the gloves off my hands.

"IVE HAD IT WITH THIS SHIT" I yell out going over to the weights. I see James coming over to me, "what's wrong Bella, I've never seen you this upset before?" He asked, I put the weight back on the rest and sat up straight.

"James I'm gonna be real with you, get the fuck out of my face" I say aggressively not wanting to deal with anyone at the moment.

I got back up and went to take a quick shower and dress back to my normal clothes, I got out of the gym to find Harry getting out of his car.

"Bella?" He said confused, "the one and only" I say back to him while putt in my duffel bag in the trunk.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, I close my trunk and turned to face him. "Your not the only one who goes to the gym to punch away there shitty feelings" I say not caring what he'll do.

"Dont bother going to the punching bag, I ripped it" I say getting into my car. "You ripped it?!" He said surprised.

"Yup, now get your grubby fingers off my car, and don't expect me to come to your place tonight" I say before driving off.

I was upset by him because he snaps way to easily at me for stupid reasons, it's not like I went to go find his mom and bring her to him. She just showed up at my dorm and asked if he was there, I wanted to help so I called him to come over.

It's not like it was the end of the world for him if he were to just see him mum, and on top of that he blames it all of me, and the gunfire towards me like I'm the bad guy.

He knows what I've been through but still decided to do what he pleases, that's not how it works in my book.

Not at all, he's gonna learn how to control his temper around me or else it's not gonna be pretty.

I hate to do this to him, but I'm doing it because I love him, does he even love me?

Hay luvs Stacy here
Here is another chapter for you mates
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All the love S.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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