Ryan chose A.

9. What is your favorite sport?

A. Hockey B. Soccer C. Tennis D. Golf E. Volleyball F. Football

Ryan chose B.

10. What is your favorite day of the year?

A. Christmas B. Halloween C. Independence Day D. Thanksgiving E. New Year's Eve F. Birthday

Ryan chose A.

He selected "Questionnaire Results" and "Ergbear" appeared with the following message:

Welcome, you are an angelkin of the Ergbear Phylum. If you would like to join Eljorian, click on "Rules to Join".

Ryan read on.

Ergbears, named after polar bears go through life one day at a time and they persevere alone, making few friends, but the ones they do make last a lifetime.

Natural element - air

Like a polar bear exhales cold air in artic temperatures, an ergbear blasts cold air on his or her phylum proprietaries and freezes them anywhere in the North.

Angelkins live throughout America, but their souls have the power to banish a proprietary in the region of their phylum with transcendence.

Ryan read about the other phyla below.

Burwolves, named after wolves go great distances in life, accomplishing the best for themselves and family while helping their friends.

Natural element - earth

Like a wolf buries food in the dirt, a burwolf buries his or her phylum proprietaries in the earth anywhere in the West.

Okehawks, named after hawks keep a partner with them through their lives, exploring new ventures and making new friends.

Natural element - fire

Like a hawk taking burning sticks with its beak and flying them into the brush, an okehawk burns his or her phylum proprietaries anywhere in the East.

Tergators, named after alligators rise above almost anything life throws at them and instead of accepting defeat, they change their course.

Natural element - water

Like an alligator drowning its prey in a lake, a tergator drowns her or her phylum proprietaries in bodies of water anywhere in the South.

Acebees, named after bees work diligently throughout their lives, earning prestige and privileges and they share them with others.

Natural element - space

Like a honey bee hovers through space and time, taking pollen with it, an acebee suspends his or her phylum proprietary in a state of dormancy anywhere in the country.

Ryan opened chapter sixteen again:

Angelkins have ten special qualities:

Awareness - Feeling confrontations way ahead of time.

Brightness - Rating high on the intelligence scale.

Carefulness - Taking a second look at everything.

Cleanness - Maintaining their surroundings.

Fearlessness - Overcoming their fears.

Forwardness - Speaking up for themselves and others.

Helpfulness - Aiding anyone in need.

Relentlessness - Pursuing what they want without giving up.

Resourcefulness - Finding a way to solve their own problems.

Sing Today Die TomorrowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz