6.2 - This word

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"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." — Benjamin Franklin.

Too many words are worthless.

How reached this word this book?

It was, perhaps, the lobby.

Somehow, it had the look.

What gave it something special?

Or had it what it took?

Rhyme, rhythm or tight timing,

Direct punch with a hook.

Like sprouts don't grow in Brussels,

Or Brooklyn has no brook,

Our word-world isn't punny.

No count-ry for a Duke.

How to write a poem,

Explain that not in prose.

Raise conflict with your word choice, and

Exaggerate the dose.

[Editor's Note: For word choice, there's the dictionary. Websites provide rhyme words and synonyms. If you need experience, read the work of other writers. I should tell this to the writer and not to the readers, of course.]

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