4.7 - Novelty

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A word says more than a thousand images.
A novel says more than a thousand words.
An act says more than a thousand novels.

Seven billion people
Watch the news, every day
Spread their opinion with what they say hours of talking, just today.

Wordless is worthless?
Wordy is worthy?


Using that time to solve problems,
Instead of talking about them.

There would be no news.
No problems either.

[Editor's Note: Topic and theme scream for conclusions and solutions. One poem transfers an emotion from writer to reader, another poem triggers our reader's curiosity, and a third poem inspires to think (differently) about the topic. Never forget that it's not «the truth» you're reading; it's just the opinion of the writer. But, of course, that's just my opinion and I respect anyone who feels differently about that.]

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