"What- no! I'm not judging I'm just concern and I want to know if you're ok? I can tell that you are struggling on this trip and worry so much-"

"I'm not struggling" he said.

"See! You are a very great at hiding things with that cold stare of yours" you said as he then gave you a cold stare.
"That exact look! However, you are a bit of a bad lier when you're half awake.." you said.

He walked in silence.
"All i want to say is... that I care for you.. yes our time is short but we have been fighting for our lives together, and if you ask me... that's builds a bit of a bond.." you said.

He still didn't say anything.
You sigh.
"Look, if you need anything and I mean Anything... talk to me" you finally said.

You looked away from him disappointed that you weren't able to get him to talk. But soon after you felt two arms hug you from behind.

"Thank you.." he whispered softly.

You smiled as you hugged his arms.

After hours of searching, you and Jotaro and finally reached the center of the city and no luck of finding the building.

You then found the group sitting at a water fountain waiting for your arrival.

"It's about time you guys showed up! Did you find anything?" Asked Polnareff.

You looked away in disappointment.
"No.." you said.

"We can't find it either.. Mr.Joestar we have to ask around now, we've been searching all day, we are exhausted, we need help" said polnareff pleading to Joseph.

"Alright.. " he said as he then looked over at a near by café.

Walking in you felt a heavy tension in the atmosphere.
"Have you seen this building in the picture?" Joseph asked around as he handed people pictures of the building.

He then walked up to the man behind the counter.
"Have you seen this building, we are having a hard time finding it" said Joseph.

"Honored stranger, this is a café, it's customary to order drinks before questioning" said the man who worked in the café

"We'll have 5 iced teas" said Joseph.
Avdol then placed the money on the table.

You watched carefully as the man poured the drinks, as the man took a closer look at the photo. You used your light to clean the drinks.
"Dea" you said softly.

"I've never seen it before" said the man.

As the drinks golden glow fades away, everyone quickly finished their drinks.

'We've been searching all day, and even asking for help isn't getting us any closer to Dio!' You thought angrily.

You can feel a heavy worry wash over you as time was running low.

"This building? How am I supposed to tell from a little picture?" Said another man looking at the photo.

"Right, sorry to bother you sir" said Joseph softly as he himself was worried.
"Come on.. let's go ask around somewhere else.."

As everyone followed, a man from behind

"I know where that building is" he said.

You quickly spun back around.
"You do?! Oh please tell! You see me and my friends have been looking all day!" You said with a smile.

"I see, I'm rather familiar with it, actually" he said with a grin, as the man who was sitting alone shuffled cards.

He gave you an uneasy feeling, but you couldn't back away now. As you wanted to ask again, you found it hard to speak.

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