Chapter 8:~Elora and Emersion~

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Elrond checked Elora in the infirmary when Elora stormed out of the room. "Elora!," Elrond exclaimed. Elora couldn't stop the fact that she felt him.
"Elora! Come back!," Legolas exclaimed.

Everyone fallowed Elora out back into the training field. "Elora, come back inside," Galadriel said. Elora felt the dark familiar presence grow stronger. "Are you not going to show yourself?," She asked blankly, "Don't say you're scared of me," "You should be if you met a gaze like that," Emersion's voice interrupted. Elora turned around and saw the wizard with short golden blonde hair and brown eyes, dressed in dark blue and black leather clothes and mantel. "Was it really necessary to send The Nazgûl after me?," Elora asked. Emersion smiled teasingly, "He just wanted to have some fun," And Elora shook her head, "So, are you here to drag, force me back to him?," And Emersion looked at her angrily, "Elora, if I really wanted to force you back, I would have done it by now! You know that I care about you! I've been so worried about you. And so has Cristiana! I thought Livia's men had found you and killed you," And Elora swallowed, "I would have died if my real family hadn't found me anyway because of the inflected bleeding wounds on my upper body. Wounds from Aldon's torture! So don't say you care about me, because you've made it quite clear that you don't," And she turned away from him when Emersion showed up in front of her, "And where exactly do you think you're going?," And Elora raised her hand to use her magic when Emersion grabbed her wrist hard. "Elora, don't. You have to let me help you," And Elora sighed and Emersion let go of her wrist, "I brought you this. I thought you may want it back," And he placed a silvery necklace with a sapphire in her hand and Elora swallowed and looked up at him. "It's the necklace you gave me on my 97 (16) birthday. Why are you giving me this?," Elora asked him confused. And Emersion smiled, "I may be off the darkness line and have demon blood. But I'm not heartless. And I'll do this because I do care for you and I know for Cristiana, you're her child and the only child she will ever have. Elora, we'll defeat Aldon, together," And Elora looked up at him, "Thank you. But if this is going to work, you just gotta trust me," And Emersion looked at suspiciously, "Does this mean you trust me?," And Elora looked at him suspiciously, "I'm beginning to," And Emersion smiled and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. Galadriel smiled and Gandalf showed up by her side and smiled.
Elora looked up at him, "So, what's the plan?," And Emersion smiled.

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