Chapter 3:~Birthday~

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A beautiful young Elleth sat in her chambers in The evil wizard Aldon's castle. She had grown up to be a ruthless warrior Elleth, though she was fated to be Queen Of The Light Kingdom.
Emersion entered the chambers with a book. "Here, thought you needed something to read in your spare time and before bed," He declared. The Elleth smiled, "Thank you," She told the wizard. Emersion sighed, "Elora, I came to tell you that lunch is ready," And Elora looked up at him. "Thank you. You can go, I'll be soon in the dining hall," Emersion nodded, "See you down there," And he left her chambers.
Elora looked down at the dark blue thick book with golden details and golden title that said;
~The History Of Middle Earth~ The books were her escape. The books were her key to the world outside. Her life. She didn't fear death nor pain. She feared a cage most.

She sat down on her usual place to the long dining table. Aldon sat at the right edge of the table. His wife, Cristiana on the left side, and Emersion on the opposite side of her at the table. No one said anything.
Cristiana glanced at her adoptive daughter. Elora stood up after finishing her lunch. "I'll go back to my chambers," She excused herself and thanked for the lunch when Aldon grabbed her wrist hard. "Do not forget your trip tomorrow! I don't want any excuses this time! Go up to your room and study. Emersion comes to get you later for your magic lesson," Elora swallowed and nodded, "Yes, master," Cristiana looked worriedly at her and Aldon let go of her and Elora left and run up to her chambers.

Later that night, she read before she finally decided to go to sleep. She wanted freedom. But she knew it was impossible.

The Lord Of The Rings:~The Lost Daughter~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora