Chapter Seven

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"Damn this is stunning!" Sarah nodded impressed as she and the guest were all at the reception, the newly wed couple were going around talking with everyone, thanking them for coming to their wedding or for the complements and congratulations they were getting,

"They said black and white but make it not boring," Wanda giggled agreeing as she sipped her drink bopping her head to the music playing as everyone mingled and laughed, all having fun, the reception was pretty chilled, a good chilled, everyone could eat when they liked because the food was a buffet, drinks were on the house, the couple paid large amounts of money to have it free to all the guests,

"Athena baby, not yet sweetie," Michelle grabbed her daughters hand from touching the cake or trying too, "you got to eat dinner my sweet! come on, let's see what they have huh? what do you want?" she questioned picking Athena up taking her to the food, grabbing a gold and glass plate from the piles of them for guests,

"Here!" Peter moved to hold the plate so she could put the food on it while she held Athena, "good thing we though of the kids in the families!" he laughed as his daughter immediately pointed to the hot French fries and other kids party foods they set out for the kids in the families so they didn't have a whine about the other food for the adults,

"Baby girl, how about some yummy rice and chicken?" Michelle asked her daughter wanting to give her other food then the kids party food, she and Peter were very into making sure she didn't grow up a picky eater since they were foodies,

"Oh yes, you love a good roast chicken and rice," Peter happily chuckled when Athena nodded agreeing, "Oh and look she wants roast veggies!" he happily moved to get her that too since she pointed at it,

"Here, why don't you go and sit at our table with her and feed her, I'll get us our food," Peter told Michelle smiling,

"Thank you," Michelle kissed him quickly before heading off with her daughter and the plate of food, "okay..." she sat down sighing happy to rest her feet, placing Athena beside her on a white high chair, shifting to face her and help feed her not wanting to have the mess they would like at home when they let Athena eat herself for practice,

"Do you two want help?" Sarah asked walking up to the table as Peter put Michelle's plate in front of her before his plate and took a seat, happy to see and rest as well,

"Honestly? we've been standing and talking with people the whole time, we wouldn't mind taking a rest," Michelle replied laughing as she fed Athena another spoon of food, "Besides we're going to be away for honeymoon from Athena for a week or two, so we want to be with her as much as we can today," she added motherly cooing and kissing her daughters cheek,

"Okay, I'll hint to people that you two want to eat," Sarah winked understanding how it felt and went off on her way laughing and talking with people,

"do you want me to take over," Peter asked Michelle as he ate his food a bit,

"Just cut my steak and feed me," Michelle replied chuckling, "I'm already feeding her,

"As you wish!" Peter cut her steak into a small bit, with a bit of potato and sauce, feeding it to her,

"Thank you," Michelle mumbled with the food eating it, "Ah Athena no!" she stopped her daughter from grabbing the tent curtain near her, "Eat your food honey!" she laughed giving her her sippy cup instead to hold,

"How long do you think we'll last on honeymoon with out her?" Peter asked as he ate but also kept feeding her, 

"Like I told my mom, a week," Michelle laughed shaking her head, "We need to at least go for a few days, we did just get married but I think we'll break after a week and come home to be with her,"

"No I agree with you plus you can't make a sibling for Athena if she's always with us," Peter replied,

"Hey! when did we agree on that huh?" Michelle asked him raising an eye brow amused,

"Come on, you hated being a only child and I do too," Peter replied as he feed her another fork full of food, "she's a perfect age for a sibling,"

"It happens when it happens," Michelle kissed him lovingly, "I don't want out honeymoon sex to be just intent on baby making, I want us to relax and just be with one another,"

"I promise you, I won't make it about making a baby," Peter agreed smiling, Kissing her again before eating his own food,

"Yo! I'm hiding here with you two!" Ned quickly sat down with them to eat, sighing in relief as he sat,

"Right?" Peter pointed nodding in agreement, "weddings are hard man, you can't sit down!" he laughed,

"Aw its like our old lunch table," Michelle chuckled smiling at the boys, "Damn... we've come so far from that lunch table in school..." she shook her head sighing happily,

"Yeah man!" Ned and Peter did their handshake laughing with one another glad to see they remembered it,

"I saw you talking with my cousin Amy," Michelle grinned at Ned who blushed as he ate, "She's a really sweet girl, a bit posh, my family is just like that because of family money and all but she's really kind and she's nerdy like us. Juts don't hurt her and I'll be fine with you talking with her more," 

"Well I asked her to dinner next week," Ned admitted shyly,

"No shit man! Thats awesome!" Peter nudged his friend happily, "hey your super funny and kind, she'll love it! Just take her somewhere nice,"

"She a foodie, take her somewhere with amazing food and she'll love it! doesn't have to be fancy, as long as the food is good, she'll be fine," Michelle tipped to him as she feed Athena the last of the food on the plate, placing it away and gave her an iPad to watch movies on so she could eat her own food,

"It's out lunch table with a toddler," Ned laughed amused by her actions, 

"She's watching princess Tiana, she's gone," Michelle chuckled as he ate her food sighing happily, 

"where are you guys going for honeymoon?" Ned asked curiously as they all ate and talked,

"Tony has a private island, he's letting us take it over for a bit," Peter replied honestly, "I didn't want to deal with other couples and more on our honeymoon, I just wanted it to be us and a beach,"

"Which I one hundred percent agree on," Michelle nodded happily, "and you know Tony Stark doesn't do anything cheap so this place is going to be amazing!"

"It's a modern bungalow on the clear blue waters and the white sand beach behind it," Peter quoted what Tony told him, "So I said 'sold!' when he told me that," he laughed,

"fuck yeah! warm sun and waters all day everyday!" Michelle cheered dancing in her seat a bit, 

"Eh!" Peter looked at Athena,

"told you princess Tiana makes her zone out," Michelle told them amused, "I wouldn't have swore in front of my daughter if I didn't know that," she added chuckling,

"Sorry, just so use to it," Peter rubbed his neck shyly,

"your so only going to last a few days on honeymoon before you come home to her," Ned shook his head laughing at his friends,

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