| Chapter Thirty-Three |

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The change in weather had already begun in early October after the peak of humid heat was finally over. Soon enough, the leaves will start to change color before they hit the ground, and fall decorations will start to line the buildings. Oklahoma was known for it's four season weather, and Ruth loved to enjoy every shift in weather change, even if it meant scorching summers, cold winters, crispy fall's, and breezy springs.

So she enjoyed her warm cup of tea just a little longer one morning on her walk to class and the cool wind slapping against her cheeks, turning the brown skin rouge. She had her curls tucked into a messy bun that in an attempt to hide all the flyaways, but it was all done in vain. They still blocked her sight and tickled her frozen ears, but seeing as how she was too excited to bring Raffo a seasonal latte, she didn't care. He tried to deny her getting him a drink, but she had insisted twice before he finally gave in.

While she was walking, however, she came across a person she hadn't talked to in quite awhile.

She paused mid-step the closer the girl got, though her eyes were unseeing as they stayed settled on the cement before her, manicured hands tucked into a light brown leather jacket, pink scarf wrapped around her neck. She hadn't realized she was walking right towards Ruth until the very last minute when she brought her head up, unintentionally making eye contact.

Ruth saw something flash behind her tightened eyes at the sight of the two cups in her hands. She swallowed thickly, shifting on her feet as she forced a smile to cross her lips, greeting the one girl in the entire school who probably hated her guts.

"Mirana . . . hey," she said. She could only hope that her smile didn't look as forced as it felt.

"Hey," Mirana forced a smile. She stopped walking for a moment to greet Ruth, which Ruth had to believe was a good sign. "How are you?"

The sweet question tore at her insides, shredding her confidence to pieces. "I'm good actually. How've you been?"

"I've been better," she admitted, glancing at the cup clutched in Ruth's sweaty palms. The flash of emotion happened again.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Ruth mumbled faintly, her voice weak. "I hope everything gets better for you."

And she was being truly honest about that. She liked Mirana, and she hated the thought of hurting her the way that she was. None of it was ever intentional . . . but, then again, how do you convince someone that what happened wasn't personal? That you didn't mean to have feelings for the same person?

"Me too," Mirana agreed, sighing under her breath. "Well, I have to get going, Ruth. I'll see you around?"

Ruth cleared her throat. "Y-yeah of course. See you around."

Just when Mirana started walking away again, she went wild with panic, and swung around in her direction, ignoring the burn of hot tea sloshing on her skin. She hissed under her breath, but she didn't let that deter her from the mission at hand. She needed her to know- even if it wouldn't change anything. Not being with Raffo wasn't an option for her, and neither was giving up on her growing feelings, but that didn't mean she was an evil girl.

Ruth knew that feeling Mirana was experiencing all too well.

And she needed her to know that she didn't hurt her purposely.

"Mirana," Ruth called out, then bit her lip once Mirana glanced over her shoulder, making eye contact. "I never wanted to hurt you in any way. I—I didn't mean for it to happen, you know. To like him like this—as much as I do."

The tension between them softened with Mirana's gaze as she looked behind Ruth towards whoever was making their way over to her. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the approaching figure was.

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