01- entry #1

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Entry #1

September 23, 2021

Entry #1

I met someone today.

I always went up to the top of the cliff and sat there. Tonight it was about 6pm when I made it to the top. A grassy patch was up there and I laid a blanket down right on the edge and overlooked the water down below. It was calming, peaceful, relaxing. There were flowers at the top and I would always pick them before I went down. The crashing waves were a nice sound to paint or read to.

It's a September night, so I wore some sweatpants and a sweatshirt along with bringing a blanket just in case. Today I brought my sketchbook and as I laid everything out, someone came out from the trail and sat not too far away from me. He didn't speak any words, just sat at the edge and looked out.

I said hi but didn't get a response so I looked back down and continued to do what I do. Normally no one comes up here because nobody wants to do the hike. I said excuse me this time, I wanted to draw and he was in the view of the horizon. I don't mind drawing him but I needed to know if he would let me. He turned his head and I politely asked if I could draw him, he nodded his head and turned to look back out.

It seemed like that was the most I would get out of him so I left it at that. As I started to draw, the sun was setting, his silhouette was starting to form and that was easy enough to draw. The waves were a nice background but he looked like he needed someone to talk to. I asked him how he was and a smirk grew on his face. He told me he doesn't feel like talking and looked at me. His eyes stared into mine for a moment but he quickly looked away after rolling them.

We sat there for about two hours. Me drawing him and staring out into the water or looking down at his hands. He was beautiful, easy to draw. He would be a model in one of my classes with the unique bone structure he had. His hair was full of loose curls that dangled in front of his face, adding some nice texture. I loved looking at him.

He stood up as I was finishing up, looking at me as I frantically ripped the paper out of my sketchbook. He looked down at me confused, but waited for me to extend the paper out to him. He took it, looked at it, smiled at me, and walked away. 'Same time tomorrow?' I asked as he became farther and farther away from me.

He called out 'sure' as he continued to walk off. I yelled back 'can I get a name' and he just laughed, responding 'tomorrow.' I saw him fold up the sketch I gave him and put it in his pocket.

He was a pretty boy. Too pretty for me, I only get the guys who I don't like. There's nothing wrong with that, but once in a while it'd be nice to have someone who I also wanted.

After all this I just packed everything up and took the hike down. That's why I'm writing this now, in my car.

Oh yeah, I bought this journal to write about things and I guess this is my first entry so hello journal. Nice to meet you. Can't wait to share more with you, but until then sit on this information and let me know what to do tomorrow.


I know it's extremely short, but I want the journal entry chapters to be short and quick to start off. I have no clue when I'll update this, it's kind of matching my mood right now so I might update it more frequently.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

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