Part 50

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Time flies quickly. It's Saturday in a blink of an eye. Tang Zhen went out early in the morning to do a part-time job. Zhu Yaoyuan was still asleep. Chen Xu took out her phone from under her pillow and squinted at Time. It was nine o'clock in the morning. .

It was late to do homework last night, and I didn't go to bed until three or four o'clock. Probably because he had a lamp on and there was a faint light, Wu Bin smashed the bed board several times to express his dissatisfaction.

Chen Xu was wearing headphones and couldn't hear him at all. When he was still about to fall asleep, Tang Zhen passed by behind him at night and whispered to him. He knew that this was the case.

Chen Xu got out of bed to wash, and when he was about to clean up, Wu Bin pushed the door and walked in. He held a lot of professional books in his hand and gave a gloomy look in his eyes.

In the past, Chen Xu didn't understand why she stayed up all night to study, Wu Bin would come back the next day with a large stack of books, and couldn't even take care of eating. Later, after listening to Zhu Yaoyuan and Tang Zhen gossip, he knew that Wu Bin was. Competing with him.

"Chen Xu, don't mind, Wu Bin's wonderful work is not aimed at you alone. One night I stayed up late to watch, he thought I was staying up late to study, and the next day he deliberately squeezed me and asked me if I was sneaking up. When I arrived at the study materials, I concealed it. I was so **** old blood that I couldn't spit it out." Zhu Yaoyuan covered his chest with an indescribable face. Even his sunny and cheerful personality was also by Wu Bin. I lost my temper.

Chen Xu didn't talk to Wu Bin. When Wu Bin saw him going out with his schoolbag on his back, he suddenly asked him, "Are you going to the library? There is no place at this point in the past. Do you find someone to help you take the place?"

In fact, Chen Xu doesn't understand people like Wu Bin. Every day, he is afraid that others will learn more than him. Any learning materials are hidden for fear of being seen. But if he knows who has learning materials and didn't tell him, he Will be yin and yang weird to say that people are stingy.

"Well, someone in the circle of friends is helping to place a seat. One hundred yuan a day, do you want it? I will push it to you." Chen Xu saw Wu Bin's vigilant look, and suddenly he wanted to tease him.

Wu Bin looked at Chen Xu seriously, with a natural attitude. He didn't realize that Chen Xu was lying to him, "A hundred yuan a day?! Are you trying to grab money?"

"The location of the library in our school on weekends is not easy to grab, usually only 50 yuan." Chen Xu said with a special event.

Wu Bin couldn't believe it, looking at Chen Xu with a foolish expression, "Are you crazy? Are you panicking with so much money?"

Chen Xu shrugged, "It seems that you don't need someone to help you grab a position."

After Chen Xu left, Wu Bin sat in his seat, thinking that the fool Chen Xu actually spent a hundred yuan to get someone to help him grab a position. The anger that Chen Xu was up to studying last night disappeared suddenly.

The more I think about it, the more I feel Chen Xu is being taken advantage of.

But since Chen Xu can put a hundred yuan to let someone occupy a place for him, does that mean that he is actually very rich?

On weekdays, Chen Xu doesn't have a famous brand on her body, but the shower gel and shampoo used are all foreign products. Hearing Tang Zhen's dead lady said that it seems to be very expensive, he secretly used it, and he didn't feel like he was. What's the difference between the soaps? It's so much money.

After Rebirth, I Became a Rich Man and WifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon