Chapter 16

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The next morning i wake up to a cold bed beside me meaning Louis had been gone from the bed for a while. I reach for my phone to see if Louis had sent me a text to say where he was however there was no text. I start to get a little sad that Louis wasn't here when i woke up especially after sharing such an intimate moment last night. I decide to get up and go search for Louis, however before i get the chance to even move the blanket let alone climb out of the fort, the door is opening and Louis is walking in with a tray full of food. "Good morning beautiful" Louis grins standing in the entry way of the fort. "Good morning baby, what is that?" I ask pointing to the tray in his hands. "I made us breakfast, don't get your hopes up though you and I both know that I can't cook to save my life." "Thank you LouLou!" I flash him my best dimply grin and make grabby hands towards him and the food.

Louis chuckles and enters the fort and sitting down next to me with the tray between us. "So baby how are you feeling after last night?" He questions. "A little sore but I don't regret it if that's what you mean." I blush. "D-do you?" "No baby never, i love you so much and I am glad you were my first." Louis leans in a kisses me. I am so thankful that i took a big drink of the orange juice so my morning breath isn't that bad. "I am glad you were my first too Lou. I love you with everything i have" "I love you too Haz".

We spend the rest of the day cuddled up together making out and even deciding to do our homework because both of us are really hoping to graduate and move to Manchester. Both Lou and I applied to uni in Manchester we are awaiting our results which we will get in late April. I also applied to Doncaster University and Universities in London. I just really hope that wherever we end up we end up together. We had a few make out sessions and another night of watching movies in the fort and if i stayed another night who had to know.

————— Almost 2 months Later —————

It is the 20th of December now the last month and a half have flown by. Louis and I have gone on a couple dates, we spent many nights together alternating between my house and Louis. Mum has been working more hours but i am happy for her. It doesn't bother me much anymore because Louis is there, i mean he was there before but he is there in a more comforting way. Honestly home isn't the four walls and a roof, my home is wherever Louis is and as long as he is around i am safe. My sweet, kind, compassionate boyfriend who will be turning eighteen in four days. Man where does time go.

We are currently sat in the cafeteria, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis and myself, the 5 of us have become much closer these past couple months, the three other boys joining mine and Louis Friday night tradition. "So what are everyone's plans for the holidays?" I ask. "I'm flying back to Ireland tomorrow and i come back the day before new eve" Niall shares. "I am spending it with my family we decided to stay home this Christmas." Liam chimes in. "Yeah same, my family are spending our Christmas at home" Zayn explained. "I for one will be spending it my dear Hazza here while we hide in my room away from all the girls and watch movies and each junk food" Louis jokes making me laugh, but i mean he is right that is how we spend Christmas every year. "1. You are for getting the day before where we celebrate my Boobear turning eighteen. 2. You are also forgetting we are not going to be able to get out of ice skating with the family no matter how many times we try" I remind him.

Louis rolls his eyes "They really should let us get out of it, you are a menace of skates" Louis teases. "Heeeey Lou that's mean" i pout. "Sorry love but it is the truth i spend half of my time picking you up off the ice and the other time making sure you don't fall down" Louis leans into me and whispers in my ear "Now stop pouting I want to kiss that pout off you but i can't because we are in school." Man i wish he would just kiss me anyway, but we both agreed to wait before coming out at school, we are both worried about what people will think and yes we are solid but we want to enjoy it a little while longer it just being us and our families that know.

"Well you better kiss me as soon as we get home" i jokingly demand. "That you will Curly that you will." Louis rests his hand on my thigh under table and turns back to the boys. "Wait Nialler! FI you are coming back before New Years we should throw a New Years Eve party!" Louis shouts.

"That would be sick but where would we have it" Liam questions. "Haz do you think your mum would let us have it at your place since she will be at my place anyway with the girls and my mum?" Louis turns to me asking. "I can ask but i may have to break out the puppy dog eyes and pout i bit" I laugh.

"Awe not the puppy dog eyes i lose to those every time" Louis laughs. "Tommo you lose any time Harry opens his mouth or even looks at you. You do whatever the boys asks. You are so whipped for him mate" Zayn grins cheekily. "Oi! Shut it Malik" Lous says defensively.

"Awe LouLou!" I giggle. "I wouldn't be giggling there H. You are just as bad, if not more whipped for Louis" Niall comments making me blush. "So anyway who are we inviting to the party" I change the subject. "I say lets each invite ten people who are chill and drama free. Haz we can ask your mum tonight before she goes to work and we can just sleep at your house tonight" Louis suggests. "Once you know text us and we will get into party planner mode." Niall grins.

The bell rings so we all pack up our tray and start making our way to our next class. "Okay Lou or I will text you all once we know!" I say before we all head off to our separate ways.

After school we all meet at my locker and say our goodbyes exchanging our secret Santa gifts that we got each other vowing that we will wait until Christmas to open it. With that we wish each other a Happy Christmas and head home. Louis and i climbing into his car lacing our fingers together the second we can and start driving to my place.

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