Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning to the sun creeping through the slits in the blanket fort, i am safely tucked away under Louis arms. I sit an admire Louis facial features for a while before deciding to get up and make Louis and I breakfast. I head to the kitchen and start making French toast and cuts up some strawberries. As i am flipping the French toast i feel two arms snake around my waist. "Good morning baby" Louis whispers in my ear. "Good morning Boobear, i made us breakfast!" "Thank you love." Louis kisses the back of my neck. I put the last piece of French toast on the plate and turn around to give Louis a quick peck on the lips. "Come on Boo lets go eat" Louis releases me and we walk back to the fort where we sit down and eat our breakfast our legs tangled up together.

"Oh, Niall texted me, he said the boys wanted to go to the field today and play some footie. Are you in?" "Do you even need to ask Haz?" Louis laughs. I giggle "Okay i will let know we are in." I pull out my phone to text Niall back, not even thirty seconds later he responds "Okay Niall said the boys want to meet around 5pm. Does that sound good for you?" "Sounds good. What do you want to do in the mean time?" I look at Louis and start blushing "ummmm" "What's got you so shy Curly" Louis teases. "I want to go back home and cuddle... and maybe ummm make out a little bit" i giggle and blush. "Don't get shy on me Curly of course we can do that. I like that idea a lot" Louis leans in and kisses me "A lot" He laughs. "C-can we go now" i giggle "Yeah baby come on lets clean up and go" Louis takes down the fort while i deal with all the dishes. After 20 minutes we are ready and get into Louis car, deciding to leave mine at my house.

We arrive back at Louis home and head straight up to his room, carefully avoiding his family as to not get sucked into conversations. We get straight into Louis bed, i climb in beside him and his arms wrap tightly around me as a snuggle into his chest. We lay like that for a while just taking in each other's scents feeing warm and safe. Louis takes his finger and slips is gently under my chin lifting my chin slowly up towards him brushing his lips softly against min, long enough so we could inhale each other's breaths. Quick chaste kisses soon turned into heated mashing of lips together tongues fighting for dominance getting lost in each other's mouths only breaking apart for breaths of air. Seconds, minutes, hours pass.

"Baby we have to go meet the boys" Louis says as he cuddles me. "But I want to cuddle more" i pout. "Awe baby we can cuddle when we get home okay?" "Okay Boobear. Let's go" We get up changing into a pair of sweats and a sweater to keep warm throwing on our sneakers before we walk out of the house. Saying a goodbye to his mum and sisters.

We get to the field five minutes after five to see that Niall, Liam and Zayn were all there already. "Hey Lads!" Niall shouts. "Oi Oi!" Louis shouts. Those two together are crazy and loud and full of so much energy, they feed off the other. It is really cute to see them acting like they are five years old not having a care in the world. "Alright Z said he would be ref since he doesn't want to play he just came to hangout so lets do teams. Z you pick them" Liam suggest. "Alright Harry and Niall against Liam and Louis, this way its fair you have one really player on each team." I pout at that comment knowing that Niall is the great player and not me. "It's okay Hazza you are good player you are just a little clumsy sometimes" Louis teases. "Heeeeeey" i pout. "Stop pouting i can't kiss it off your face here" Louis whispers causing me to blush. "Okay lets play!" Louis shouts.

We spent a few hours playing soccer, Liam and Louis ended up winning 10-7. "Hey you lads down to go get something to eat?" Zayn asks. "Yeah i could eat, but someone has to drive me i walked here." Liam states "I think everyone but Louis and Harry walked here." "I can drive you losers lets go" Louis laughs. "I dibs shotgun" i shout. "It's yours Haz" Louis and everyone laughs.

We all pile into Louis car and we decide to head to the McDonalds as it is fast and cheap. Louis pulls into the first parking spot he sees and the five of us pile out of the car and head inside. "Lou you go get us a table i will get your food" i tell him. "Thanks Love!" Louis says as he walks to find us a table. I order myself a chicken nugget meal and Louis a Big Mac meal before joining him at the table, i slide in next to Louis before looking around at the other boys to ensure they were not looking. When i was sure they they weren't looking i leaned in and gave Louis a quick kiss. "What was that for Love?" Louis asks. "I don't know i just wanted to." I smile. Before Louis can respond the rest of the boys join us at the table and squeeze the three of them on the other side of the booth. "So what happened to you guys a the party you both just disappeared after that round of truths" Niall asks. I tense up at the questions and i feel Louis discretely puts his and on my thigh instantly relaxing me. "Oh um Hazza here was feeling pretty down after that last round so we're decided to just go home and chill out" Louis explains. "H I'm really sorry about that question i knew it upset you the last time. So when Lou told me to ask i should have said no." Niall lowers his head. "it's okay Ni i am not upset with you i promise. I blame Lou, he should have just asked me himself." I joke and give Louis a nudge in the side. "How dare you turn against me Hazza. That's it you are walking home" Louis sasses. "Like you would ever make me walk, i am you Hazza I'm too important to walk" i giggle. "Yeah you are right" Louis laughs smiling at me.

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