Chapter 10

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I wake up i am not sure how long later to the sound of Lottie waking me up. "Harry love, you need to wake up". I open my eyes slowly. "Hmmm Hi Lots, its Lou home?" "He's not but he left me this note for you" Lottie ands me a piece of paper. I open it

Hi Hazza. I hope you had a good nap you
looked super cute and cuddly on the couch,
I am excited for you to join me on this date.
Lottie picked out an outfit for you it is on my
bed. Please get ready and meet me at the place
where you broke your arm at 7pm. P.S. I told
Lottie, I hope that's okay. P.P.S. Thank you for
letting me have this opportunity to show you
how much you mean to me.
XOXO Your Boobear 🖤

I giggle and the note and flash Lottie a huge smile. "So you know?" I ask. "Yes i do now come on lets go get you ready we have an hour!" Lottie smiles taking my hand and leading me upstairs to Louis room. "Okay I have this outfit picked out for you" Lottie points to the bed, where a red long sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans and an array of bracelets and a ring lay on the bed. "It looks great Lottie thank you" "Now go shower and i will make sure your hair looks great." I nod and grab the clothes off the bed heading to the shower for the second time today.

35 minutes later i am out of the shower and dressed and walk to Lottie's room so she can do my hair. "I'm ready for you to do my hair Lottie" I say entering her room. "Great sit down on my bed" she directs. I sit down on her bed and she gets to work on my hair. There is not much i can do with my hair at the length that it is right now so she puts in some curling moose and defuses the curls. Ten minutes later she is done with my hair. "Alright H you are good to go" "I am nervous Lottie..." "Don't be nervous H, my brother may be an idiot who took forever to realize his feelings for you but he likes you okay? It will be okay I promise." Lottie reassures me. "Thank you Lottie." "Now you need to get going" She pulls me up off the bed. "Okay yeah" I take a deep breath give her a smile and make my way out of the house.

I get into my mum's car and drive to the park where Louis and I use to play when we were younger. Once i arrive at the park i look for Louis however i can't seem to find him when suddenly my eyes spot a balloon taped to the monkey bars that i feel off of when i was a kid. I walk over to the monkey bars to see the balloon says "Pop Me". I take my keys from my pocket and pop the balloon. A note falls to the ground and i pick it up to read it.

Hello again my Hazza. You figured it out.
This won't be a long hunt. Meet me at the place
where we spent the summer you broke your arm.
XOXO Boobear 🖤

I smile at the note knowing exactly where to go. I run to my car hoping in and driving down the road. I pull up in front of my house and walk to the front door. Before entering my house i take a deep breath. You can do this Harry it's Louis your best friend no matter what it's Lou your Lou. With that i go to use my key to unlock the door but i notice it is missing. I chuckle at the fact I didn't realize it was gone and open the front door. "Lou?"

"In the living room Haz!" I quickly toe off my boots before i walk to the living room to be absolutely blown away. Louis had set up a beautiful blanket fort with twinkle lights all strung up inside it the TV has a fake fire playing on it. Soft fluffy blankets and pillows line the floor the aroma of my favourite Chinese foods fill the air. "Lou! Boobear! This is amazing thank you!" I run to Louis and jump into his arms. "I'm glad you like it. I know it's simple but i thought we could recreate the best summer of our lives where we spent weeks cuddling in bed watching movies. So baby what do you say want to cuddle?" I nod my head and blushed. We both climb into the fort after filling our plates with food and turned on a movie. "thank you Lou, also i really love it when you call me baby.' I blush. "Good i hope you get use to it baby" Louis grins. "Lou..." "Yes baby" "Can i k-kiss you" my cheeks surely painted a nice shade of pink. "You don't have to ask" Louis grins.

I lean in and press my lips to Louis, the kiss is soft and tender, slow like we have all the time in the world. We slowly pull away and stare into each others eyes green getting lost in blue. "You are a really good kisser" i giggle. "you are not so bad yourself there Curly. Now come cuddle me and watch this movie" Louis laughs after one last peck on lips. That's how we spend the night, cuddled up together, I am laying in between Louis legs while he wraps his arms around me. We are a quarter way through our third movie. "Hey um Haz.. i-i umm i-i" Louis stutters. Louis never stutters so I immediately turn around to face him. "It's okay Lou you can say whatever you need to say" I am mentally preparing myself for the worst and for Louis to tell me that he is backing out and that he can't do this and wants to stay friends. "Willyoubemyboyfriend" Louis blurts out "What i ask not hearing a single word he said. Louis takes a deep breath "will you be my boyfriend?" I squeal fucking squeal "Yes Lou! Oh my god i would love to be your boyfriend!" I wrap my arms around his neck. "That makes me so happy Haz" Louis leans in for a kiss pressing his lips to mine sending shivers down my spine.

"Lou? Are we going to tell people about us?" I whisper into Louis chest. "I think eventually we will but right now i want to make sure that we are solid before we tell anyone. I do want to tell our mums together. Maybe when your mum gets home we can have dinner with he two of them?" "I like that plan Lou. I hope they are okay with us. it would hurt me so bad if they weren't" "Awe baby I'm sure they will be happy for us" I smile at Louis. "Can we sleep here tonight?" I ask "Are you tired love" I nod shyly and snuggle into the crook of Louis neck. "yeah" i whisper "It's late do you want to go sleep or put on another movie?" "Can we cuddle and watch another movie? I don't want this night to end" "Of course Curly"

I start to fall asleep in Louis arms to the sound of Avengers playing in the background and Louis pressing soft kisses to the top of my head. "Thank you for tonight baby. I love it. You made me feel very special" "You are so very welcome my love." We share one last heated kiss before falling asleep.

If You Only Knew Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora