A Very Eventful Holiday

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((Well since it's the holiday season, I thought I'd do a request by XxWaRfAnGxX who has been oh so patient with me. In this one the reader and Tadashi are on a mission to find the best present for Hiro with a little mistletoe and reindeer antlers to accompany them (Unedited)))

"What am I looking at here?" you asked with a raised eyebrow at the sight before you. It was the night before Christmas and you had been forced to leave your family's Christmas party because your best friend since forever, Tadashi, had texted you about something that seemed urgent. So after arming yourself with layer upon layers of fuzzy jackets and a coat, you made your way to the nearest store. Once you had arrived, you came face to face with a red cheeked Tadashi in a fugly Christmas sweater and reindeer antlers atop his head.

He gave you a fake pout and toyed with an antler, "I had plans tonight too. We were having a party at SFIT and when Honeylemon asked me what I got Hiro I kind of went into a panic," he said sheepishly.

You glared at Tadashi, "So you made me come out into the snow just to help buy Hiro a present because you forgot?" Tadashi flinched slightly, but after a moment nodded in reply. You're eyes narrowed even more at the man, but it didn't last and a smile creeped onto your lips, "Ok then, lets do it."

Tadashi blinked, "Really?"

You giggled and walked up to him, giving him a hug, "Of course really. Besides, I forgot to get him something too," you admired shyly, "but we can buy something and say its from both of us."

Tadashi gave you a smile that made your cheeks turn pink, "Sound like a good idea. Now come on my dear Bilbo, we're going on an adventure!"

"Oh my god, I'm not THAT short!"

( •-• ) ( •-• ) ( •-• ) ( •-• )

"It's a lost cause," Tadashi panted.

"We'll never find him something," you added.

After an hour of hopping store to store, the two of you started to see this adventure as a lost cause. Tadashi have a weak chuckle, "I guess this is our karma for doing things last minute huh?" You nodded meekly and Tadashi gave you a pat on the shoulder, "Come on, we can't give up! We've come too far!" he cheered trying to give you a pep talk. You rolled your eyes at his efforts which Tadashi didn't appreciate, "Are you pumped (Name)!?" he shouted as he grabbed you by the shoulders.

"Uh, yeah."

"I can't hear you!"


"YEAH!" the two of you began to bounce up and down excitedly causing the other shoppers to look at the two of you weirdly. "Come on, let's go check the video game's section," Tadashi said grabbing your hand and pulling you along. You giggled and picked up your pace to keep up with his longer strides.

"What kind of games does Hiro like now-a-days?" you asked as the two of you turned onto the aisle.

Tadashi shrugged, "I've caught him not fighting a couple of times, so maybe something like bot fighting?" he suggested. You nodded in agreement and crouched down to look at some of the games. Meanwhile, Tadashi was peering over the aisles in a daze, that is until something in particular caught his eye, "Hey (Name), I'm gonna be right back. There's something I wanna a look at," you mumbled an 'ok' since you were too focused in reading the labels to pay attention to him. Tadashi smiled at you and began his jog to the mysterious item.

You continued to look and look until you found the perfect game for Hiro. It was actually kind of amusing actually, seeing that the game was called "Bot Fight Simulator" which was in no way original, but it did convey its message. You stood upright and eyeballed the game, a huge grin plastered on your face.

"Hey (Name), look what I found," Tadashi cooed behind you. You turned around to see a smirking Tadashi that was way closer than he usually was. Once you realized he was holding something above your heads, you looked up to see that it was literally mistletoe on a stick. "You like it?"

"Are you implying something?" you squeaked as tomato red blush spread across your cheeks. Tadashi chuckled, leaning in closer and planting a sweet kiss on your lips. By the time you had processed what he had done, Tadashi had already pulled away.

After staring at each other for God knows how long, Tadashi spoke up, "So, I'm guessing you were ok with that? Seeing that you didn't slap me and all."

"Uh, yeah. Totally," you were finally able to say.

Tadashi smiled, "Good to hear."

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