Can I Have Your Hand?

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((Another request from Jasmine_pinkie! Tadashi and you have been dating for quite some time and he thinks it's time to pop the question (Unedited)))

You opened the door to the nerd lab, Tadashi and your lunch in hand. Today Aunt Cas let you get off work early at the Lucky Cat Cafe to go spend time with Tadashi. You thought it was weird she would let you get off at this time. When you left the place was packed.

"Hey (Name)!" Honey Lemon called to you. You two gave eachother a quick hug and she took your free hand in both of hers, "What are you doing here?"

"Aunt Cas let me off work early and said I should go see Tadashi," you stated.

"Well you better go see him," she started to guide you to his office.

"Wh-What's the rush?" you ask.

"Oh it's nothing! I just have a lot of work to do, plus Tadashi has been wanting to see you all day!" she said hastily. You raised an eyebrow at her, "Nevermind, go see him!" before you could argue she pushed you through his door.

The sound of the door shutting alerted Tadashi that you had come in. He turned around smiling big, "Hey (Name)," he place his hands on your hips giving you a kiss, "Is that lunch you brought?"

"Yeah, I hope your hungry," you said waving the bag in front of his face. You sat at his table with him, you told about work and he updated you on Baymax.

"Say (Name), I really need to ask you something," Tadashi suddenly said, taking your hands in his.

"What is it?" you asked nervously. He stood you up and walked around the table so he was standing right in front of you.

"(Name), we've been dating for quite some time now haven't we?"

"Yeah, about two years right?"

He nodded, "We've both had our ups and downs together, but we stayed together through it all," he shook his head laughing nervously, "Heh, I don't think I would have been able to get through what I have without you by my side. Your just able to make any bad situation better," he paused looking into your (e/c), "(Name), I love you, and I want to spend every day I have with you by my side," he got down on his knee, "(Full Name), will you marry me?"

You placed your hand over your mouth, tears of joy pricking at your eyes, "Oh Tadashi, yes, YES I will marry you!" you leaned down and hugged him tightly. He kissed your temple and hugged you even tighter, picking you up and spinning you around.

Meanwhile outside of Tadashi's lab Fred, Wasabi, GoGo, Honey Lemon, Aunt Cas, and Hiro were listening to the whole conversation.

"Oh I'm so happy for them both," Honey Lemon whispered.

"My little Tadashi is growing up," Aunt Cas squealed quietly.

"Man, does this mean I have to wear a tuxedo to the wedding," Hiro huffed out.

Tadashi x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now