4-It's Like that?

522 14 4

-Mikasa's Pov-
I walked to the school garden with Jean trailing behind me.

Mikasa- I need your help Jean
Jean- Anything for you miks
Mikasa- Stop calling me that and be serious
Jean- Ok fine what did you need then since it's soo serious
Mikasa- Ok will you pretend to be my boyfriend?
Jean- Pretend?
Mikasa- Yes pretend
Jean- and why would I do that? wait I know , your trying to get back at Eren for what he did earlier huh? It's pretty obvious.
Mikasa- How did you know ? Wait but-
Jean- I just know and yes i'll be your "boyfriend" , but in return you'll be the one to buy Sasha her food from now on.
Mikasa- Deal.

-Time skip (School ends)-

-Eren's Pov-
I walk out the building waiting for Hitch to come out so I can walk her home when I see Mikasa ... with Jean? What could they possibly be doing that concerns both of them together. Not like I care anyways. What is taking hitch so long??


Hitch💗: Hey babe , I'll walk home by myself today, I have to study with my friend for a project. Okay? Love you bye!

Eren: Oh okay see you tomorrow then! Love you too!

-Still Eren's Pov-
She always does this to me. She's either helping someone with a project or is staying late to tutor someone. But she is a good person, always helping people out when needed. Couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.

-Mikasa's Pov-
I walked out of school with Jean. We were going to my house .. well sasha's house to plan some rules if this "dating" thing is going to work. I just want to see the look of jealousy on your face Jaeger, I want to play this game your playing to.

Author's Notes:

Hello everyone! I don't know if I should start making my chapters longer and the story shorter or if I should continue making short chapters and the story longer. Im still new to writing stories so idk😭 let me know in the comments . Author Out✌️

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