Murderer- ricky olson

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Murderer on the loose.

"Come on y/n! It will be fun, it's probably not true anyways" one of my friends say, the others agree. I can't help by think the opposite, there's a killer on the loose and they want to go find them?

Are they insane?

I mean apparently so but I didn't feel like dying tonight. I sighed as they dragged me through the orange lit streets, these street light really were crap, they barely did anything.

"Guys.. can we go now please? I have a bad feeling about this" I tried to pull myself away and go home, my mum would kill me herself is she found out I was out this late. "Shut up y/n! It's not true! There is no killer!" One of them yelled catching my by surprise.

"What so the news is just fake?" I ask quietly hoping they would change their mind and we could all get home safely tonight. They stayed silent, well.. that's new-

"Guys?" They pointed behind me, I slowly turn to see a man with his hood up and a knife in his hand. It had blood dripping from it, he has just killed someone and he was out for more..

"Go!" We turned and sprinted as fast as we could, I could hear his footsteps running with ours. They were heavy and quick.

We came to a dead end, there was no way out..

"No! Take y/n instead!!" She yells shoving me toward, from how unexpected it was I fall fo my knees in front of this man I'm supposed to be running from.

I trusted them and they've betrayed me just to get out of here alive. "If that's what they really want then you can go ahead and kill me.." I told him, looking up to his covered face. My 'friends' decide they haven't said enough and speak up once more.

"YES KILL Y/N!!" I sob silently as I hear their footsteps getting further and further away, I was alone and going to die. I curse myself for not being more headstrong and staying inside tonight.

"Cmon darling.. let's find them together." The murderer holds out his hand catching you by surprise, I take it and he helps me to my feet again keeping ahold of my hand.

"T-thank you.."

"I couldn't let the pretty girl get betrayed by pathetic people, how cruel would that be" his gloved hand reached up to my cheek and wiped away my falling tears.

"I'm horror.. but you can call me Ricky" I smiled softly, strangely feeling comfortable in his presence. My conscience was screaming at me to run but I couldn't, I wanted to stay with him..

"I'm y/n.."

"Well y/n, it seems your friends are not the nicest people am I right? Why don't we go take the bad from the world?" He held out the knife he had been holding this entire time, my shaky hand reached out to grab it. Why? I had no clue what I was doing..

I held it in my hand, this knife had been used to kill so many people but nothing about it was chilling to me, it made me feel alive.

"See, you're a natural. Let's go get them" he took my empty hand locking his in mine while we ran fo find them.. who knew I'd be the murdered.

I pulled the knife from his neck watching him convulse on the floor before going still. Dead.

"That was a beautiful kill darling, very nice to watch" i smirked to my husband of two years as he came into view. He kisses me roughly looking at my work.

"God have we taught you well, an untraceable kill" I smiled at my work while I took in all the praises he was giving me. "I love you Rick"

"I love you too angel" Turns out he wasn't just a killer, he's a mafia man. He gets paid to kill people and will never get caught for it, ever since I ran away to be with him he's taken care of me and given me all I desire.

"Balz! Sitkowski! Clean this mess up!" His two men came in the room to be met with the mess I had left.

"Clean cut, damn y/n" I giggled and thanked him. "Thank you ryan. I try my best."

I love Ricky with my entire being.

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