"We figure out a way to save him." Scott nodded

Lydia sighed  "Okay. Where else could we look?"

Scott paused, he glanced to his side, in a split second he  pulled the boy in question from thin air. Although Corey had one of the best abilities, he forgot the alpha had all of them

"Wait. Wait. It's not my fault.They took him and I couldn't do anything. They took him..." Corey stammered out, afraid of what Scott may do next


"The Dread Doctors"


"Are we really sure this is a good idea?" Noah asked

"Uh, no. No one thinks this is a good idea" stiles shook his head,

"But you're trusting Theo, anyway?" His father questioned.

"This plan sounds worse every time I hear it" alex muttered

"We're not trusting him. We're using him." Stiles corrected,

"What if he's using us?" Lydia asked, sending a pointed look.

"That's probably a given." Alex nodded.

"look, we're just trying to cover every place Mason could show up." Stiles claimed "Malia and Braeden are at Scott's house."

"Melissa's got the hospital." Noah added

"Hayden and Corey are at the school. Somebody's got to find him." Alex hoped

"Let's hope they find Mason, and not the Beast"


Alex turned over a page in her book, it had been a couple hours and there was still no news from any of their sources.

Stiles had fallen into a slumber, not surprisingly.

"Hey alex"

"Yeah" alex hummed, looking up from her book

"How have you been since.. you know?" 

Alex sighed, she closed her book and let it sit on Noah's desk "I haven't slept since before I was taken and if I do sleep I'm woken up by nightmares. Like really vivid nightmare."

"Me too" Lydia nodded

Neither of them knew what they were going through but they at least had the reassurance of going through it together.

"I can't stop thinking about what I did, I masked your scream Lydia. I used every ounce of my energy and I masked a banshee scream"

"Have you healed since?"

"Yeah, never thought I'd say this but thank god I did. I was terrified I might have suddenly lost my ability to do that and - and when I healed I felt so much relief" alex admitted,

"I was terrified of losing you, I knew whatever Valack had planned was going to kills us both but-..

"I know" alex nodded, "Lydia you are my sister, you are my family and if anything happened to you.. I don't know what I'd do. So when he told me I'd be healing you, I was okay with the fact that I might die if it meant you lived"

"Alex" Lydia softened her stare "I need you just as much so please stop sacrificing yourself for me."

Alex smiled a little "I can't promise anything but I'll try"

"We'll be okay, we have got each other" Lydia reassured, holding her hand out

Alex took her hand and gave it a squeeze, "we are the dream team Lydia Martin. Who could dare to take on something like us"

Lydias eyes drifted, her mind was occupied with a different thought

"Talk to me Lyds" alex said, knowing the distant look on her best friends face.

Lydia shook stiles, he groaned before sitting up
Quickly "Hmm? What? What happened? Who's dead"

"No one. Well, at least not yet." Lydia sighed

Stiles sighed, he slid his phone back in his pocket

"You okay?" Alex asked softly

Stiles sighed, "Yeah, I'm still thinking. Still trying to figure out why Mason? I mean, he wasn't even on the Genetic Chimera list."

"He is now" Melissa walked in, she dropped her files on the desk, the three teenagers stood up and grouped around her

"Mason was born with twin embolization syndrome." She began to explained

"You mean fetal resorption?" Lydia asked

The nurse nodded "Mmm-hmm. He had a vanishing twin in utero? Which accounts for two sets of DNA."

"Can someone please say it with words that have less than three syllables?" Stiles looked between them,

"He ate his twin." Alex stated

"Oh, God" he mumbled

"But did it help?" Lydia asked

"I don't know. But it's just bizarre enough to sound like it might be important, right?" Melissa asked

"Wait, alex you don't have any reason to be on the genetic chimera list - but you're a success" Lydia questioned, giving her a puzzled look

"What considers her to be on that list?" Stiles asked

"You share DN.." alex drifted, remembering weeks prior when she had asked her Biology teacher what consisted of sharing DNA.

Alex pulled her hair pack, revealing the small patch of skin on her neck "when I was 10 I fell and I sliced the skin on the back of neck, they used a skin graft from my dad. That's how I share DNA"

"Well now that, that is discovered" Lydia Drew it back to the subject "There has to be something"

Melissa opened the file and showed an ultrasound of mason, something that looked smaller than he was, rested on top of him

"I'm gonna show this to deaton" stiles grabbed the file "alex, stay with Lydia. Please"

"Okay?" Alex agreed, questioning why he wanted her to stay, but not asking.

Stiles pecked her cheek before darting out of the office.

"Do you think me can save him" alex asked

"I think we can try" she sighed


𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now