I miss you

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Excuse any mistakes ❤️

(Same day of the kidnapping)

Same night

Beyoncé's heart raced as she and Nicki rode to the police station. Her mind was clouded with worry and fear, threatening to consume her at any moment. Thanksgiving had always been a time of joy and celebration for her family, but this year, it had turned into a nightmare.

Nicki on the other hand was trying to figure out why her alarm didn't go off. She was also scrolling through her security footage to see if she could find anything suspicious.

Approaching the front desk, she took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. The officer behind the counter looked up, his eyes reflecting the empathy and professionalism that she so desperately sought.

"Excuse me," Beyoncé began, her voice shaky yet resolute. "My name is Beyoncé Knowles, and my daughter, was taken. I need to report her disappearance."

The officer listened attentively, jotting down important details as Beyoncé poured out the information she could remember. Every detail mattered, every piece of information could be crucial in the search for her beloved child.

"I know who did it" Nicki spoke up after a few minutes of silence. Beyoncé and the officer snapped their necks in her direction waiting for her to elaborate.

"I found some footage from my cameras around the house, and the only person I know with ugly hair like I saw is Shawn Corey Carter. Beyoncé's ex-husband"

Beyoncé stayed silent as she stared at the grey wall behind the officer. A few tears slipped out her eyes and fell onto her shirt.

"Okay I'm gonna need a picture of Kay'lani and just some basic information about her."

Nicki looked at Beyoncé to see if she was gonna answer or if she needed to. She snapped out of her trance and glanced at Nicki.

"He needs some basic information and a photo for Boogey, baby" She said taking Beyoncé's hand in hers.

"Umm, her full name is Kay'lani Solei Knowles, she's 9 months old, has a head full of black curly hair, dark brown eyes and she was wearing a pink sleeper with cats and milk bottles on it and a pink bow."

"And here's a picture" Nicki said and gave them her phone so they could print it off.

After everything was situated Nicki led Beyoncé out of the station and into the truck

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After everything was situated Nicki led Beyoncé out of the station and into the truck.

"Thank you for everything" Beyoncé said to her laying against her chest as they sat in the darkness of the truck.

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