• Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: Running In Circles, Now Look What You've Done

"Welcome Mr. Jacobs."

You had never felt fear like that moment. You and Hotch stood frozen and as quiet as mice. Axel's footsteps boomed downstairs. No one was here other than security. Why is he here? Before you could continue to comprehend what was happening, Hotch grabbed your hand and pulled you into a closet.

Inside was dark and cluttered. Your body was pressed hard against his and your breathing was rapid and uncontrollable. "Why is he here Y/N?" Hotch whispered.

You shakily took a breath. "I don't know- I- I don't know," your hands were seizing and gripping his shirt. You laid your head flat against him and tried to breathe in the scent of his cologne to calm yourself down.

"I got the envelope and key, we need to get out of here as soon as possible. What are the closest exits?"

"I can't think of any-" your voice was coated in panic. "I don't know- I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"

"Hey," Hotch says quietly. He sighs, placing a hand in your hair and smoothes it down. You sucked air through your nose and tried to relax so your rational thoughts would come back. "Don't worry, just think. You know this house better than I do. Nothing will happen to you, I promise you that Y/N."

You tried to look around the dark room. You recognized the coats hanging inside. It was a closet that Lesly never really used and sadly was a place were you and Axel used to make out in secret. Just the memory makes you want to projectile vomit all over. You swallowed the lump in your throat and pulled away from Hotch. He stood quietly while you reached above you to pull the little light bulb.

The closet was illuminated with a little light. You were surprised that thing still turned on considering it probably hasn't been replaced in years. There was a vent above you that didn't lead anywhere. You knew that because you tried one time when you first moved in.

"There should be a lever somewhere," you say, feeling along the floors and coat racks, "Lesly installed tunnels all around the estate and one leads to the front road."

He nodded and began to help you feel around. The footsteps downstairs echoed the walls and reminded you what was at stake. There was no way he knew that you were here. If you had excess to the estate, then he shouldn't get a security notification. Security only notifies if a stranger tries to scan in. This means he came here voluntarily. He is in New York for real this time.

"Shit," you cursed under your breath. "It should be behind the coat rack. I used to walk through the tunnels for fun."

Axel's voice sung horribly through the house, "And a little bit of chicken fry! Cold beer on a Saturday night, a pair of jeans like for just right...and they radio up...."

You glanced at Hotch in disbelief at Axel's horrible vocals. A small smirk appears on your face as you bite your cheeks to suppress a laugh. He was doing the same but was completing the task more effectively. Just looking into his eyes made you give up and a small laugh escaped your lips. You but down on your figure and wait for him to break as well.

Once he did, you were both silently wheezing in a coat closet. You gripped the wall for support as the laughing took a toll on your body. You gripped your ribs and tried to stop yourself from hurting but it didn't work. Pain shot through you with every laugh but you couldn't stop the good time.

"We have to go, Aaron." you tried to say without wheezing. Tears pooled your eyes and began to fall. The pain was unbearable. His laugh was contagious and filled with so much happiness that you didn't want to steal the opportunity that he rarely had.

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