• Ten

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Chapter Ten: You Can't Wake Up, This Is Not A Dream

"Come on! You're such a slow poke!" Sam laughed, dragging your arm down the stairs. "Mom is asleep and dad is with uncle, don't be scared."

You glanced around the empty house. You lived middle class, nothing fancy and you recognized the family photos on the walls. What is happening?

"Where are we going?" You asked reluctantly. Sam was always up to trouble and you could vividly remember what was happening now. Avery was sitting on the couch reading a book with her glasses perched on her nose.

"To cook! Mom said there is a muffin mix in the cabinet early today and I've been craving them like crazy."

You hear commotion near the back of the house. Sam pulls the muffin mix out of the cannot not before knocking everything else over. Avery doesn't give you a glance at all, focused on the reading in her lap, 'It ends with us' it says.

"Are you sure we won't get in trouble? Mom is working the morning shift and you know how she is when she doesn't have enough sleep."

Sam simply rolled her eyes and began to grab the milk and eggs along with a pan. "Just follow the instructions on the package, I have to get my phone, Emmet is texting me!"

"That's such an ugly name!" You laughed. "Who is this man anyways? You never tell us anything Sammy."

She just laughed and was up the stairs before you could hear her witty comeback. You turned to the counter and began reading instructions. The large clock in the living room was the only sound keeping you grounded. Uncle and dad were outside. You always called his friends Uncle, mom thought it was funny. Truthfully, you never caught his real name, just that his last name was Hasting. Uncle Hasting.

Sam squealed from her room and you figured she wouldn't be coming down anytime soon. You continued to make the muffins with ease. You always had a soft spot for cooking if it was easy enough like this. Preparing food that was already halfway done for you was your cup of tea.

Avery sat up on the crouch and sniffed dramatically. "Do you smell that?"

You nodded your head and turned to look at her, half of the muffin batter on your pajamas. "I turned the oven on, just waiting to get these in," you held up the pan of muffin.

She looked around suspiciously before returning to her seat. "Do it quickly, mom will have a fit and I'm taking the fall for you little sis."

"Whatever Avery," you rolled your eyes and placed the muffins into the oven quickly. "You're so over dramatic. Why do you have to be the golden child? Just relax for a second."

"This is relaxing," she protested defensively, "You wouldn't understand."

She's right, you wouldn't. You weren't the craziest child but you had average grades and every once in a while participated in house parties. You had a friend who sealed drugs but you made sure not to make it a regular to buy them. You never brought them home for the sake of Sam. She was already exposed to too much at such a young age, you didn't want to contribute to the chaos.

The smell grew stronger and you went to peek out the back window but Avery stopped you by placing a hand on your arm. "Leave them alone Y/N."

You pressed your lips together but ended up backing off. It was fine, you scrolled down instagram waiting for the muffins. The smell grew stronger and stronger until you began to have a growing headache.

"That doesn't smell like the oven Ave," you said shakily, "I'm getting Sam."

"Calm down! Nothing is going on, stop overreacting."

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