• Two

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Chapter Two: I Think I'm Okay

Halloween was rolling around quickly and the last three weeks at the BAU was keeping you hot on your toes with so many cases that you were barely home. It was nice to be away from the house and Axel, it gave you time to think about what you wanted to do.

After you signed the papers, Axel was neutral about the situation, glad you left that place as he said. Tonight, as promised, Penelope was throwing the get together. You begged Axel to go because you had never been with the team outside of work and used the, "I'm leaving soon" excuse. He said yes but no drinking or staying out late. The terms were thick but enough for you to be content with seeing the team.

It wasn't a secret that Hotch would be there, Axel knew this and you were very aware of the way he would act tonight: possessive. Sweat coats your palms just thinking that one wrong glance from Hotch could earn you a punch. Scared wasn't a term to describe the fear that was swarming you as you went to knock on Penelope's  apartment door.

The wood door swung open to reveal Emily in a tight black dress, "Y/n! You came, I was hoping you would!" Emily hugs you quickly and turns her attention to Axel, "And I assume this is your boyfriend, Axel."

You nodded. He puts his hand out for him to shake, "That's right ma'am, what do you do for the FBI?" he asks as you step into the threshold of Penelope's apartment.

Every time he saw someone from work, he asked the same question. You always assumed it was just Curiosity for something he was unfamiliar with.

"I'm a SSA," Emily explained, leading you down a small hallway. "Most of us are other than JJ, communications liaison, and Penelope, technical analyst. We all have our own talents though."

You rubbed your hand up and down your clothed arm, feeling the thick sweater that was covering it. You ignored the gaze that Axel had on Emily's curves, she was an attractive woman and he always did this. Axels arm was secure around your waist with a bruising grip.

Once everyone came into view, they cheered in your presence. The hand attached to you gripped harder causing a soft gasp to slip out. Smiles roamed the walls of Penelope's apartment along with Halloween decor. A tree looking thing stood in the middle of her living room with candles and photos of people you recognized. Maeve, Haley, her parents, JJs sister.

"What's this?" you questioned.

"We are celebrating those who have died. I wanted to be spooky but this seemed like a good touch." Penelope explained with a sequel.

You smiled softly and reached into your pocket to retrieve our wallet. Inside was a photo of your mother and Sammy. Pulling it up, you looked up at Axel for permission to move. His grip loosens and you walk up to the tree, placing your mother's photo along with your sisters, by Maeve.

"How did they pass?" Hotch boomed finally. You sucked in a breath and turned around, not before being caught in Axels grip again.

"A house fire five years ago. My dad was working and my other sister was with her husband. They couldn't get out of the house in time," you say wiggling under his gaze, "everything is fine now."

Axel pulled you flush against his body, nails digging so deep into your skin that it started to draw blood. You hissed in pain as the team started their condolences. "Axel you're hurting me" you whispered painfully. He ignored you and pushed you forward by the bar.

"Make me somethin' I gotta call' ' he hissed. Tears brimmed your eyes and you felt the harsh gaze of Hotch on your skin. You cleared your throat and walked over to the bar, making a martini.

"Y/N, are you excited for Lakeland? I heard the cases have been piling up there, I'm glad you are doing what's right for you." JJ placed a soft hand on your arm.

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