Yuko needs a break

Start from the beginning


"I don't like repeating myself," he says looking me dead in the eyes

I think about it for a little bit before deciding to just agree not wanting to make Kanato more pissed then he already is. I bend down a bit so that he could get on my back as I carry him to limo. I got a couple of stares as we walked down the halls. We then made it back to the limo where we waited with Reiji who gave us a cold stare, and Shu who was already inside the the car waiting for the others.

"You can get off now..." I say bending down so that he could get off. I here him groan as he jumps off my back and heads straight into the limo with me following behind.

Not to long after Ayato and Subaru show up and get inside the limo.

"Laito and Yui are late..." Reiji says signing.

"What! Pancake is alone with him of all people!" Ayato says slightly pissed off, "I'm gonna go look for them."

"Ayato," Reiji says giving him a side glance, " if they don't come soon we're heading back to manor without them. That's final."

Time skip—————————————————————————————————————————————————-

'Well this is awkward. Yui and Laito ended up not coming after all. They're probably back at the manor already I'll go check Yui's room,' I thought while we pulled into the mansion gate. The moment the car stopped I jumped out the limo being the first to leave. Yeah, it might've been a bit rude but it's fine. I head up the stairs and straight to Yui's room. I knock on the door but there was no response so I just entered. I saw Yui laying on her bed like sleeping beauty. 'Guess I worked for nothing.' I thought before walking over to Yui shaking her a bit so that she'll wake up.

"Ehh?" Yui says as she sits back up. "what happened?" She says pulling out the cross necklace from her pocket clearly ignoring me. She then walks out of her room as I follow behind her.

"Yui, where are you going?" I ask as the walks down the stairs and through the halls.

"Somewhere..." she says as she continues to walk.

"Ok...." I say kinda questioning her thought process before realizing she was heading to the front door.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Yui,"

"I'm not going far, why are u following me in the first place!"

"To make sure you don't do anything dumb." She turns and gives me a cold glare before pushing open the front door.

"It's unlocked?" Yui said on a confused tone.

"Why would you have walked all the way here without knowing if it would have been?" Yui just ignores my comments as she walks out of the manor. She suddenly starts sprinting as I rush after her. I try not to make to much noise so that we don't alert the others. I follow Yui to a.... Church? Why a church of all places, and an empty one, really? (Yuko doesn't really believe in god but doesn't hate towards people who do)
Yui starts praying as I wonder off a bit looking around.

"I wouldn't bother asking God, because you won't get a response," I hear a familiar voice say. 'Laito...' I hid behind a pillar trying not to make a sound

"Good morning, Bitch-chan~"

"How did you know I was here?"

"Don't you remember? I know everything there is to know about you." Laito proclaims, "So you should really stop trying to run away."

"Do you know something about my father?" Yui questions. 'I'm proud that you've talked this long without stuttering but now is not the time for questions like that.' I thought thinking over what yui just asked.

"Who cares about stuff like that?" Laito says before grabbing Yui by the chin with one hand and by the waist with the other. Laito says something else before leaning down to bite into Yui. I stare in shock before facing the other direction trying to pretend I didn't see that. I poke my head out from behind the pillar just in time to see Yui push Laito away. 'Bad move, Yui...' I think to myself.

"Don't waste you breath praying," Laito says while pushing his hair out of his face. "God is nothing more than nonsense created by men."

I tuck my head back behind the pole felling my face start to heat up. 'A-am I blushing right now? This is the worse time to be blushing! But the way he said it.....' I begin to loose track of what was happening as the blush on my face begins to disappear. I turn back to where Yui was standing only to see her being pinned down by Laito! He bites into her thigh as I watch with wide eyes. When he finishes he looks to his side. He gives me a side glare and winks I felt shivers trail down my spine. I decided it was best to book it as I ran out the door leaving Yui behind. I feel slightly guilty but after remembering what she did to me,it went away. I ran all the way back to the manor and up to my room, closing the door as quietly as possible behind me. I change out of my school uniform into basket ball shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I sigh in relief before plopping on my bed tucking myself in the covers. Just as I was starting to drift to sleep I felt the bed dip behind me. I quickly sit up to see who the culprit is. It's.......

"Shu?" I mumble tilting my head a bit. "What are you doing in my bed."

"..." Shu stayed silent not even opening his eyes.

"Don't you have your own room go sleep in there." I say trying to talk as stern as possible. 'Why is he even in here? Oh gosh please tell me he isn't gonna bite me again.'

"You're... too noisy," he finally speaks, eyes still glued shut. I stare at him disbelief, 'Is that it? He still hasn't moved tho. If I'm so noisy then just leave!' I thought to myself knowing I'd never say that out loud. I then feel a tug at my waist as I'm pulled back into the bed. 'He's gonna bite me isn't he,' I thought while squeezing my eyes shut prepared for the worse.

"I'm not gonna do anything. Stop being so tense." Shu says finally opening his eyes. I relax my muscles a bit still keeping my guard up. I turn to face the opposite direction of the vampire not wanting to look at his cold eyes. Turning your back on vampire does sound like a pretty stupid idea, but I'd rather risk it then have to see his face while falling asleep of all things. I start to get a bit drowsy as my eye lids feel heavier. I feel an arm wrap around my waist as I'm pulled closer to the cold body of the vampire next to me. I tense up a bit before relaxing again and drifting off to sleep.

A/N:  I've been posting way faster then I thought but that might not last for a while since my fall break has just ended. Im trying my best to follow the story but I feel I should make more scenes with Yuko in it. I might change some of Yui's scenes to Yuko's or make up my own like I did in this chapter. I hope that's ok. :)


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