Yuko needs a break

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'Since I have study hall and schools almost over Maybe I should tour around the school incase I don't have Reiji to guide me. Plus what if I get lost I'd need to be able to find my way back.' I think stuck in a train of thought until I hear a familiar voice around the corner.

"I'm thirsty. So is Teddy," Kanato said staring at the brown bear on his hands.

"I'm sorry. All right, I'll go buy you something," Yui says with a smile. " I'm sorry, Teddy," Yui says while looking down at the bear.

"Would you please not address my Teddy as thought you know him? I am the only adviser he needs. Isn't that right Teddy?" Kanato says looking Yui dead in the eyes before looking back down at his stuffed companion.

"O-oh I didn't know," Yui says her smile starting to fade a bit. "Anyway, I'll be right back." I hear her foot steps come towards me as I hope she walks the other direction. Lucky for me she does and doesn't spot me. I sign in relief until I remover the purple haired vampire boy was still there.

"I know you're there, Yuko," I can't actual see where he's staring but I can feels it's my exact location.

"Uhh... Hi?" I say as I poke my head out form behind the wall.

"Come here," Kanato says in a stern voice.

I get slight shivers as I walk towards the male.

"Stand here and wait with me for Yui to get back."

"Yes, sir?" I say slightly confused on why'd he want me here with him.

"Don't call me sir." Kanato says still looking at his teddy bear.

"Oh, ok.." This is so awkward Yui you better hurry. Just in time Yui comes rushing back with a small cup in her hand. She glared at me coldly before holding up a cup to Kanato with both hands.

"I brought you coffee," Yui says proudly before Kanato quickly knocked it to the floor. 'I would've drank that.' I frown while looking at the wasted drink on the floor.

"I prefer things that are sweet!" Kanato yells practically destroying my eardrums in the process. "I hate things that are bitter, like coffee! Why can't you see that!"

"That's no reason to throw it on the floor." Yui argued. 'I don't think Yui can say anything about the way Kanato is acting. She used to act the same way backs at the church when she didn't get what she wanted.

Before I could finish thinking, Kanato started shouting again. "I'll go get you something else," I hear Yui mutter.

"No thank you. I'm no longer interested." Kanato spoke oddly soft, "Did the coffee splash on your fingers? Was is painfully hot?" He questioned in a surprisingly calm voice. "You poor thing," he said before licking Yui's fingers. 'Normal Kanato is back I guess.'

I got bored of the conversation, zoning off into my own world for a bit until I feel a hand grab mine dragging me with them. I look down to see Kanato walking away from a confused Yui.

"Kanato, where's my bag?" Yui questioned.

"I put it on the roof to punish you," Kanato says as he turns his head to face Yui still not letting go of my hand. I here Kanato say something to his teddy about the broken phone as he drags me into another hallway. I can feel Yui glaring daggers into the back of my head. He then looks up at me I feel sweat start to drip down my face.

"Do you need anything?" I ask taking a step back while looking slightly downward at the shorter male.

"Carry me."

Anøther Kømøri {diabolik lovers x male oc}Where stories live. Discover now