"Would you like to drink anything else?" He asked as a good bartender.

"No thanks, I'm good. What are you doing behind the counter by the way? You always play this role when I'm not here, I just don't know about it?"

"No. Olivia's son got the flu and she needed to run home to him."

"Shit sorry, I didn't know about that. Is he ok?"

"Yeah. She called me to cancel tomorrow's shifts. She doesn't want to leave him alone." Joe continued and didn't even look at the man on the other side of the bar, who was flicking with his fingers to him.

"That is understandable."

"Yes. It is. So now, and tomorrow I am working instead of her and paying her the total payment."

"Well...If you need anything, just tell me." Chloe offered. Joe was so... selfless. She didn't understand. She was selfish. She thought about herself as a selfish person.

"Thanks for offering. You can take Olivia's shifts tomorrow." He hit her shoulder playfully and with a smirk on his face turned around and walked away.

"What? I-never mind." She took out her phone again and wrote a quick message to her friend about tomorrow.

Chloe: It so happened that I accidentally assumed tomorrow's shifts instead of Olivia, whose kid is sick. Sorry for canceling your plans. I will make it up to you somehow. I promise.

When she put it back in her pocket and looked up Joe stood in front of her with a big grin again.

"Seriously, now you aren't my boss, just some guy who makes me feel uncomfortable, please leave me alone and let me drink my beer, before I need to come in again for a double shift."

"Not too kind." He leaned against the counter with side of his. "It is not nice to talk to someone who brought you whiskey."

"I didn't order whiskey." Chloe shook her head with ununderstanding. Was she really this slow, or was it just the alcohol that affected her?

"You didn't not. But he did for you." He pointed the other side of the counter a few chairs away from Chloe. His face was.... it was really familiar to her. She almost could say it out, but she still didn't recognize him. His characteristic jaw, deep dark eyes and hair, his shirt that fit him as well like he would be born with it, like skin. Slowly, so slowly Chloe started to remember. She saw him in a book, in the school. So she is a magical creature. She was sure of this the first time she saw him, because he looks too good for being only human. And when he turned her head to her, and their eyes met... Chloe gasped immediately. He stood up slowly, and moved closer to her gracefully, sat down next to the girl. From closer his hair looked more balck next to his grey shirt.

"Do you not like whiskey?" The deep voice fitted perfectly to the look.

"What? No, yes I do."

"Cause I can order you something else, if you want to." He offered it for the blushing Chloe.

"No, it's perfect. Thank you." She smiled and let out a big sigh.

She had two options. Stay, and see what will happen, or go home, to her perfectly safe house, to her best friend. Why was the first one so attractive?

"I am Mark." The britt accent sounded so good from his mouth. Mark reached out his hand and waited for Chloe's. She bit her lip hesitantly, but reached out hers too and shook them together.

"I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine!" The sweet smile that played on his face, made her so much more adorable than scary or dangerous, compared that he was a vampire.

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