Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love Chapter 12

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"Listen here Bitch! You are marrying the boss whether you like it or not,  you agreed to do it and you know the consequences!" He snarled, you backed away.You knew that it was wise to keep quiet and to wait until he's gone. He kept snarling and walked off. You stood up and looked at where his hands had left their mark on your skin. You shook it off and looked at Moran who was standing by the door. You breathed in and sighed lightly, you saw 3 people approach the front door.

'The associates are here.' You thought and your thoughts were deemed correct when the front door to the house opened.They approached you with bags in hand, they all faffed around and you didn't pay one ounce of your attention to them. You just nodded when they talked and remained quiet. They soon left and left all of your clothes for the wedding with you. You looked at the dress and felt your eyes water but you stopped them and thought

'No, I won't cry! I won't! If Sherlock was... a-alive he would want me to be strong and to be resilient, I must not give up!' You thought and smiled lightly but hid it when Moran turned his head to look at you. 

You glared him down and stood your ground. He grumbled and walked away from the door. You turned away from him and sat down on the couch that was in the living-room. You turned your head to see a picture with a knife struck through it. It was a photo of Sherlock. You grasped the knife and pulled it out of the table and the photo. After you picked up the picture, you held it close to you and traced the photo with your fingertips. You heard Moran come into the living-room, you stuffed the picture into your pocket. He came in with a tray of food, you stood up and walked over to the dining table. 

You sat down and saw a plate of food being placed before you. 

You looked at it."Eat." He said grimly

"No." You said plainly, you don't know why but you decided to fight back

"Eat!" He growled

You didn't reply as he walked closer to you and grabbed your hair and tugged it harshly

"EAT (insert word here)!!!!!" His voice was gravelly

You looked at the food and pushed it away, you felt Moran pick up the rather sharp cutlery knife and held it close to your jugular. You gulped but remained calm

"That's it! You're walking on rather thin ice Missy and I will slice your jugular if you anger me more than you already have!" 

"You can't hurt me, if you do then Moriarty will kill you in an instant. I learned that when you took me to the base." You glanced at him

"You're right but the thing is bitch I'm not sure how the boss will react when he finds out about your little escape plan..." He grinned and removed the knife from your jugular and backed away from you

"I won't force you to eat... but the boss will." He walked away from you

You sighed and saw the once hot food grow cold. You gulped and saw the sun go down slowly. You felt sudden pain in your heart, knowing that tomorrow was the day of the dreaded wedding. You took out the picture and stared at it intently, you held it close.

'I will be strong for him... ' You heard the front door open and slam shut, Moran had left and immediately locked the door. 

You walked and sat in the taxidermy infested living-room. A few moments later, you heard the front door unlock and close. Moriarty walked through and went straight the the room you came to know as his office or study. You stayed quiet as you watched him trudge through the living-room and into his office. You sighed when you saw him enter his office, soon after that you felt your stomach rumble slightly. You walked up to the kitchen and took some crackers and biscuits and ate them quietly. You heard your voice being called from the office, Moriarty wanted to see you. You walked quietly over to his office and pressed a light knock to his door.

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