CH-2 Kyokas Guilt

Start from the beginning

After a lot of convincing I reluctantly went back to school, the only reason I agreed was because I needed to pass a written exam to get into UA. Once I arrived at the school I entered the classroom, not many people were there as I was early but he was.
"OI EARS, looks like your little boyfriend bit the bullet. Now you've got no one, you should've stayed away from the damn nerd. He was pathetic and only dragged you down with him" That was when I snapped. I grabbed him by his collar and punched him in the face.
"THE FUCK YOU SAY BAKUBITCH, I DIDN'T QUITE HEAR YOU" I shoved his head into the desk we were next to multiple times before kicking him in the stomach and walking away with tears in my eyes. I sat down at my seat as everyone who was in the room stared at me, I didn't care about it. The only thing I cared about was Izuku. From that day on BakuBitch never said anything to me in fear of getting beat up again. I then spent the next 9 months studying and training for the UA entrance exam. I rarely spoke to anyone ever, even my teacher knew better than to try and talk to me as I just ignored everyone. I only spoke to my parents and Auntie Inko occasionally. When I wasn't at school or the beach I was either sleeping, eating or visiting Izuku.

Since Izuku's body was never found he couldn't actually be buried which infuriated me. I would spend hours trying to find who stole his body and why, if he was dead then what use could they have of him. He didn't even have a quirk. Even so he was given a grave site, not that many people actually visited. My parents would visit maybe once a week depending on how busy they were, Auntie Inko was always quite busy but would visit a couple of times a week and I was the only other person who would visit. I visited him everyday and would spend hours with him. I would sit down by the grave and tell him about my day, ask him random stupid questions and eat food with him, I would typically bring him Katsudon as it was always his favourite. I cleaned his grave everyday and brought flowers to him. Izuku looked up to one man and that one man was the cause of his death. From the day I found out about Izuku's death I went from admiring him to hating him. All Might, the symbol of peace, killed Izuku. He was no longer a hero to me as I knew the truth, he doesn't really care about other people.

Time Skip - 9 Months
I woke up early this morning as I was actually excited about something for the first time in 10 months, the UA entrance exam. I got up and had breakfast with my parents, as usual I wasn't even smiling. They knew why though so never questioned it and accepted it, the one thing in my life that actually made me happy was stripped away from me because of the number one hero. I grabbed my stuff and headed off to UA by train.

Once I arrived I stood at the gates and stared up, I reached into my pocket and grabbed a piece of paper. It was the note from Izuku before he killed himself, I carried it with me everywhere I went to remind myself as to why I want to become a hero. To protect people not just from villains but from what took Izuku away from me. I held back my tears after I reread my section of it and walked towards the auditorium where we would be told how the test would work. We would do a hour written test and then a practical test where we would destroy robots to score points and the top students would pass the exam. I was feeling confident about both exams as Izuku had helped me study loads before everything happened as well as teaching me special revision methods and I trained hard for the practical.

I did the written exam and it was pretty easy for me and I finished it in about 40 minutes. Once we were let out of the exam hall I went to one of the changing rooms and got into my sports clothes before heading to the exam area. There were a few dozen people waiting there already and some of them even had special support gear then this guy tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey, I'm Denki Kaminari. Nice to meet you" He said as I turned around.
"Jiro" I said before turning away from him.
"Woah, you could be a little nicer you know. Maybe throw in a smile too" He said with an annoying grin on his face.
"Bring back the one thing that made me happy and I might smile again" I said still not looking at him.
"Huh, and what's that?" He asked.
"My best friend" I said before walking away.

A Lost Friend - Villain/Vigilante DekuWhere stories live. Discover now