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Flaming hot summer air overtook the biting cold breezes of the North Pole as the aircraft floated further towards Christmas Island. The gang cooped up inside quivered at the sudden contrast in temperature as the snowy landscape disappeared into the distance.

Gummy happily steered the plane into the correct direction, Harry observing his flight by his side with Kala and Vampiro nestled within the buttermilk leather cushions of the back seats. (Y/n) was settled between them - map in her clutches as she examined the small green dots indicating the land surrounded by the big blue sea.

"Christmas Island is left after Easter Island. Just past Valentine Valley and Halloween Hill." She stated to her friends, finger tracing the paper to monitor their travels.

"Are we there yet!?" Harry screamed, like an impatient toddler in the back of a car.

Kala groaned, hand rubbing her forehead in frustration. "Harry - say that one more time and I'll zip it for you!"

To answer Harry's irritating question, the plane edged closer towards a sandy, tropical island within the gorgeous blue sea, the seemingly endless landscape coming into a clearer view.

The nose of the aircraft slid closer through the burning hot breeze, while Gummy shifted the creamy white steering controls in hopes of perfectly landing on the shimmering gold sand. However, the nose of the airplane dipped into the aurous seashore, brushing through the deep sand to almost bury itself.

Distressed screams and gagging soon followed, the five friends popping their heads through the thick layers of warm shingle coating the plane to catch a breath from the sweltering air.

Gummy slid from within the golden sand, coughing to release some from his mouth and throat. He heard the sound of distressed gagging from within the shingle as his feet touched the sand burying the plane. He approached the sound, soon realising that (Y/n) had not yet emerged from under the blanket of desert dust.

Gummy quickly drove his hand into the tan coloured sand, his fingers soon meeting another's. He grasped what he assumed was a hand, tugging it from underneath the crushed stones. (Y/n) soon appeared, bursting through the blanket of sand while wheezing from the exposure to the shingle and being buried within it. She brushed the marigold coloured sand from her (h/c) hair and shoulders, turning to Gummy.

"You OK?"

"Y-yeah... thank you..."

Gummy cleared his throat from a mixture of nerves and sand pieces still gathered inside. (Y/n)'s cheeks became dusted with light rose as she buried her head in her hands from embarrassment. Gummy chuckled, leaping up the hill of sand to accompany his remaining friends.

"So, where are we?" He happily asked, curiosity touching his tone.

"That's easy!" Vampiro added, slowly heading up the desert eminence as he observed the tropical landscape.

"Care to share it with the rest of us?" Kala savagely replied, dusting her cornflower blue fur from the crushed pebbles.

"We are lost of course!" Vam chuckled.

Gummy took out a pair of deep black binoculars - scanning the island to see tranquil palm trees and golden brown sand dunes, the sound of crashing waves from the royal blue ocean behind.

Harry joined his companions, tugging the shell of a vermilion crab that had its pinchers gripped onto the side of his deep grey glasses to release its tense clasp.

"If only we could get a birds eye view to look around and maybe find Santa!" He added, tossing the crab back onto the tropical yellow sand as its grip snapped from his glasses.

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