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Clear blue sky surrounded the drifting airplane as it effortlessly glided through the beautifully peaceful winter breeze.

Gummy sat comfortably in the pilot position of the plane, eyes focused on the endless bright blue sky that spread out before the floating mode of transport.

Harry assisted direction of the route within the cream white cushioned seat beside Gummy, focusing on their movement through the cloudless heavens.

However, he continued to ask whether the aircraft was close to landing in the icy, wintery landscape of the North Pole.

"Are we there yet?"


"I asked, are we there yet!?"

"Still no..."

"Maybe I should just zip it.."

(Y/n) leant her head against the inside of the plane, (e/c) eyes watching the lime green wing outside the crystal clear window pane. She nervously watched the never ending azure sky drifting past, Kala by her side with Vampiro on the furthest left, deep in sleep.

Moments later, Gummy's almost frustrated expression lightened up as Harry's grumbling could come to a close, as the sight of snowy landscapes came into view.

"I think we're almost there!" Gummy cried, gently steering the aircraft as Harry examined the bright white landscape below.

"Your senses are correct, Gummy!" Harry announced, earning relieved smiles from Kala and (Y/n) in the beige leather back seats.

Gummy shifted his cobalt gaze towards (Y/n), smirking as an entertaining idea sparked in his now slightly distracted thoughts.

"This is your captain speaking, please bring your tray tables and seats to upright position... and all the rest of that captain-y stuff..."

(Y/n) giggled, a beaming smile crossing Gummy's face as he turned back to the deep coloured cerulean sky through the clear pane of glass coating the face of the plane.

"We're about to bring this baby down!" Gummy announced, gently shifting the controls of the plane to lead the nose towards the niveous landscape on the patch of land now appearing below.

"Wait! It's my turn to land!" Harry added.

Kala flickered her almost drooping emerald eyes open, shooting from her seat and leaning towards Gummy. She vigorously shook her head, almost pleading Gummy not to allow Harry to become in control of the aircraft.

Harry heard the movement, snapping his attention and almost offended gaze towards Kala as she snaked back into her seat.

After examining the many buttons and levers across the control panel before him, Harry attempted to take control of the plane by using what he thought could be a second steering device.

Gummy watched with entertainment filling his sapphire blue eyes. "You really don't know what you're doing, do you Harry?"

"Why do you say that!?" Harry snapped, aggrieved.

Gummy chuckled. "Well for one thing, you're trying to steer the plane with the windscreen wiper controls..."

Harry gasped with embarrassment, noticing the deep grey plastic slices rubbing against the windscreen with great speed, squeaking to remove the condensation from the freezing atmosphere.

"Yeah, well... I just wanted to, uh... clean the windows first! I'm disappointed in your lack of faith in me, Gummy..." Harry continued, Gummy rolling his cobalt eyes in response.

🎅 𝐆𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐁𝐀𝐑 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑🎄𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 🎁Where stories live. Discover now