Apparently, Il Duce was suspicious of outsiders.

And unsurprisingly, Bondita Das doesn't like to be restrained.

When she was done with her inspection she turned to face her friends, "We are only here for three day and one day out of that three is already wasted, I only have today and tomorrow to see the city."

"Sorry to break it to you, but we came here for the competition not to tour the city." Will retorted.

"Correction, you guys are here for the competition, while I am here to see the Eternal city." She corrected him.

In here Kyle jumped in, "Where have I heard this line before?" he tapped his chin in a mock thinking position, "Oh right, you said the same thing when we were at Paris last year for the Chess Competition."

She smiled at the fond memory, Paris was sooo beautiful!! Their teacher had gotten really angry at her for sneaking out of the group, but she couldn't help herself, seeing the most romantic city in the World from behind a bus window simply wasn't good enough for her. There was so much to do, so much to see and she did her best to enjoy every aspect Paris has to offer, did a little shopping, tasted their food, saw the city from the top of the Eiffel tower. Her only regret was she was doing all these alone...but it didn't matter because she has promised herself that she will visit Paris again and this time she'll come with her Sakha Babu...may be she will take him there on his birthday...they will walk alone the Seine river under the glowing street lamps, hand in hand...see the sunset together from top of the Eiffel with him under the moonlight...God! She has so many plans and fantasies!!

She was so lost in her fantasies that she didn't even notice that her friends were still talking to her. Her hands clasped together under her chin, blush adorning her round cheeks while her eyes sparkled with the colorful dreams of the future.

"...this isn't Paris, this is Rome under Mussolini's dictatorship...hey, are you even listening to me! Hello!!" Will waved a hand in front of her face successfully bring her out of her daydreams, "Why are you smiling like that and why the hell are you turning red??" he huffed in frustration.

Bondita made an annoyed face and threw a glare at her friends for disturbing her dream, "Jab me kuch than leti hoo na toh Mussolini toh kya khud Hitler bhi ajay na toh bhi mujhe nahi rook sakta. Samjha!!"

"What? What did she just say?" Will looked at Kyle blankly.

"Let her go Bro! No matter what you say she will do what she wants. No one can stop her." He pushed on the wall to stand back on his feet as Bondita narrowed her eyes at his comment, "Just do me a favor, don't get arrested or else your beloved Guru Ma will bury me alive."

Bondita snickered while Will looked at him disbelieve.

"I'm serious, she wouldn't even care that I'm her only child!" He eyed the now empty hallway, "Ohh!! Mr. Leonardo is sending us the stinky eye. Let's go!" He ushered his friends towards the chaperon, "How are you going to convince him to let you go?"

"I've a plan!" She replied with a mischievous smile.

"Don't you always!" Kyle sighed under his breath.

Walking ahead of them she approached the older man, "Mr. Leonardo! Can I please visit the exhibition hall again?"

Her request baffled her friends. The Exhibition Hall was on the left wing of this same building which they visited yesterday. How was she planning to go outside from there? But knowing her she probably had found some secret route...who knows what runs through her devious mind!

"Again!? Why?" Mr. Leonardo asked in a heavy Italian Accent.

"I'd like to see the paintings again, they are truly magnificent, not to mention the exquisite sculptures ...your students are really talented."

On an Evening in RomaWhere stories live. Discover now