Chapter 3: Trust

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The hall was big, and beautiful. Much like the Malfoys themselves, it was decorated with green, silver and white.

'Slytherin purebloods, always these colors' Helia thought.

There was a rectangular table at the end of the room, with white tablecloth and green and silver tableware decorated with snakes. There were candles floating on the table, lighting up the dimly lit room. Voldemort took a seat at the end of the table, gesturing for the others to follow as well, his red gleaming eye daring anyone to disobey him. Small white cards were placed on the tables with neat writing of the guests names on it, next to it is a similarly written menu. It was really a bit over the top if you ask Helia but she kept her silence, too much comments can cause unnecessary trouble, and she had learnt it the hard way.

Looking around, she saw that next to her sat Draco who had already taken his seat as if he knew where he would be sat, which is probably quite true.

"Welcome everyone, now before we dive into the serious business, let us enjoy the lovely meal prepared by the Malfoys" Lord Voldemort said very formally, in fact it was so formal that Helia suspected that he would rather just hex everyone in this room and be done with it.

Lord Voldemort of cause was sitting at the host's seat which would normally be occupied by Mr. Malfoy. Next to him on each side were Mr Malfoy and Bellatrixs. Next to Mr Malfoy sat Raj with Draco set to him. Helia sat facing the Dark Lord, she noticed that his red eyes followed her every movement. The seat next to her sat her mother, she was looking doubtful around as if she was suddenly nervous. Ms. Malfoy was pouring firewhiskey for everyone, except Draco and Helia.

"Should we ask the house elves to bring in the food?" Mr. Malfoy asked politely.

But before any of the guests could reply, Lord Voldemort spoke in a tone that suggests that he is the lord here. "Yes please Lucious, our guests are probably hungry."

"Of course, my lord" Mr. Malfoy said he seemed polite but a more observant person would be able to tell of his rising anger.

Helia looked down on her food, red tomato sauce with noodles. She was half listening to the adults talking about the latest news in the wizarding worlds, she would reply with an answer that they wanted to hear and they would continue with whatever conversation they had. However she could not shake off the feeling of fear that circled her.

On the other hand, Draco Malfoy was panicking. It was clear his parents loved Helia, in their eyes she was perfect without a fault. The kind of child her parents desperately want, not Draco everything he says seems to be wrong, always earning a glare from his father.

"So Draco, how is quidditch?" Mrs. Wu asked, looking over at him suddenly.

"Um?" Draco asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Oh never mind," Mrs. Wu said.

Draco's father looked at him with a look of disappointment, not even bothering to hide it.

"Draco why don't you show Helia to the gardens?" Voldemort asked, "I'm sure she would love our black roses."

"Of course my lord" Draco said standing up. "Follow me"

Once they were out of the door, Draco noticed that her posture relaxed, her fiery dress seemed to flow with her every move. There was a new sort of confidence, with the adult she was a submissive child, however without them she was confident and unbothered.

Soon they arrived at the giant garden, white roses covered every inch of the ground without a stone path. As Draco and Helia sat together under the oak tree in silence, both with too much on their mind to talk.

Draco's mind was spinning, and he couldn't help but ask "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Helia asks with confusion all over her face.

"Do the right things at the right times of course." Draco said, he knows he shouldn't have asked, he knows it will only show his weakness, something you should never do. But there was something about Helia that made him trust her, something that made him believe in her.

"Well, for starters you list out all the factors pureblood parents like, obedience, attention and so on, then you just act on it." Helia said it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Well I still don't get it, it is not really easy is it?" Draco asked.

Just as Helia was about to reply, a scream filled the air. While Draco looked on unbothered, Helia jumped to her feet. She knew the voice; she knew it only too well. It was her mom. 


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