Chapter 1: Underneath the Surface

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15 years later...

Helia stared out of her giant window, into the garden and sighed. Even though she love her adoptive parents, she hates it when she has to attend one the their stupid, fancy dinners with super rich people. She signed again and looked at her room, decorated with green and snakes, a walk-in closet on one side and a king sized bed on the other side. She looked at the dress on the bed, it was very pretty, black, shorter at the front with hood and black heels. But something doesn't add up, she had always dreaded these parties but this time, she feels that something bad will happen, something horrible.

"Helia, why are you still not dressed? This dinner is very important!" Orla said when she noticed that her daughter was still in her t-shirt and shorts. She was also dressed in black, but it was simple, much like herself.

"But mom I don't want to go!" Helia replied, "Plus I have a horrible feeling about what is going to happen."

"Please Helia, I want you in this dress the next time I check on you" Orla replied, then she was gone. Helia shook her head, grabbed her clothes, and went to the bathroom to change. When she came out, she stared at herself in the mirror.

"Too normal, too normal," She murmured, adding a few touches of flames here and there. Helia is not a normal girl, even in the wizarding world. Prefering to stand out in every aspect. She is not attention seeking, but looking the same as everyone else when she was born with the power of the flames, is not an option. But she knew, she knew how to stand out without angering others, she went to put on her makeup. They expect so much of her, to fight with the 'bad' side and to win, because the Dark Lord spared her from dying. Of course that is what she will do. She is not bad, she has good intentions, only she can't show them. Always remain calm, her mother always said, always use your brain before doing anything.

Draco Malfoy on the other hand had a complete meltdown. Born as a Malfoy, making himself presentable is below expectation. As he threw out shirt after shirt, he couldn't help but think if this would be easier to just ask his mother to pick something for him.

'No' he thought 'I need to prove that I can live up to the Malfoy name'

Signing, he sat down on his bed, he wouldn't say that he isn't happy, or he dared not to say that. He knows that this dinner is very special, so special in fact that the Dark Lord himself is going to attend.

"Draco! The guests are going to arrive in an hour, and I want you to be presentable by then. If you can't decide, then ask your mother" Lucius said, standing at the doorway, eyeing the pile of shirts on the floor.

"Of course father," Draco replied dryly.

"Good," with that Lucius left.

Draco once again buried himself in his closet until he came across a pure white shirt.

'This will do,' he thought.

Standing up he made his way to the bathroom. His thoughts however drifted. Draco Malfoy is not a bad boy, no, he is just born in a bad family and raised by a cruel father. He wishes that he could fight with the 'good' side, but by doing so he would risk everything he had. He understands why Potter hates him, after all who would like him, cold and arrogant. 'All for the Malfoy name' his father used to say.

"Isn't life complicated?" he said out loud. "Poppy"

"Yes Master?" Poppy the house elf popped into the room and asked.

"Clean these up" He said, and without waiting for a response he exited the room. As he hurried along the dark corridors that seemed to be cleaner now that there are guests, he heard voices in the distance.

"Lucius, do you think he is up to the challenge?" Voldemort's snake-like voice echoed.

"Of-course he is, my lord, '' Lucius replied, his voice no more than a whisper.

He knew they were talking about him, and that eavesdropping is not a good opinion here. So he blocked the voices from his head and walked swiftly to the garden where everyone was gathered.

"Ah, Draco finally," Lucius greeted his son with fake happiness.

"The guests are arriving." Voldemort said, staring at the sky. There, three tiny little dots that were becoming bigger and bigger as each second passed, then they were landing on grass on horse-like creatures. They have huge wings and they are all black. There was someone that seemed to be Draco age, they had their hood on so he couldn't see if they were a boy or a girl.

"Welcome to the Malfoy Manor '' Lucius said, giving a small bow.

"Welcome to the Malfoy Manor '' Lucius said, giving a small bow

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Helia Potter and the Master of Flamesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें