"Don't go down the wrong path, okay..?"

It became quiet—All I can hear was the rain pouring and the sound of myself breathing heavily. Then Mikey began to walk his way to me, slowly—with his head hanging low. He stood in front of me, perfectly and silently still. I gulped mentally—I wonder what's inside his head right now. "Mikey-kun..?"

I stared at him, looking at his eyes—his dark..empty-looking eyes. Then he finally spoke, "You.." then he grabbed my arm, stretching it, and it made me gasp a little, "are in my way." he said, and did what I didn't expect him to do me, he used his knee to hit my arm. I froze—I just saw and heard how my arm broke. I screamed in agony as I got on my knees, holding my now broken arm.

I can sense Mikey walking away, going back to where South is. "Now then..how do you want to die?" I heard him say to South, who I believe is still on the floor. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to talk despite the pain that I'm feeling,


third person

Everyone watched in horror—everyone's eyes never left the invincible Mikey. They were all horrified, after what he did to South..and after what he did to Takemichi. They don't know that Manjiro Sano can be this..murderous. Mikey looked down at South on the floor and said, "Now then..how do you want to die?"

A groan escaped Takemichi's lips, "DON'T DO IT, MIKEY-KUN!" he screamed. He was desperate, so desperate—he doesn't want his friend to become a murderer.

Mikey was about to lift his foot—planning to smash South's face with only one stomp, when suddenly..he stopped because he heard someone coughing. Takemichi heard it too, causing him to flinch a little because it sounded like it came from—he gasped in realization. He quickly looked at where Senju is and, his eyes widened in shock when he saw [first name] still in Senju's arms—but this time she's trying to stand.

"M-Mike...Mikey.." that's the very first thing that she said as she stood up, swaying a little.. with her eyes half-closed—it was obvious that she was forcing herself to stand back up on her feet.

Mikey froze when he heard the voice, he can feel himself shivering when he heard the weak voice calling his name. He immediately turn to where it came from and gasped when he saw a pale-looking [first name] in a very, very poor posture, and the blood dripping from her forehead caught his eyes. He wasn't the only one who's seeing this, almost everyone's eyes were on [first name].

"[first name]! Stay down!" Senju yelled as she placed a hand on her shoulder, forcing her best friend to go back down—she knows [first name] isn't in a good condition right now. And she doesn't want her to waste her strength. "Don't force yourself! Your head is—!" she stopped when [first name] shakily placed her hand on top of hers, making Senju flinch a little. [first name] gave her a weak smile and said,

"I told you..it's just a scratch.."

Senju gasped as she stared at her with eyes wider than her normal ones. Then [first name] began to walk her way where South and Mikey are, leaving Senju and the others speechless.

Takemichi couldn't believe his eyes, "[first name]-chan.." he whispered.

Mikey watched [first name] walk her way to him, and he can see that she's struggling but—she still has a weak smile plastered on her face. He can feel his pupils shaking as he watches her go to him. [first name] let out a weak laugh as she stopped in front of him and said,

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