[13] -⚡️

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year: 2017

"Good morning, Ma'am!"

Everyone bowed and greeted when they saw the young woman walking inside, wearing an office like attire. She's wearing a light gray blazer with black buttons, and underneath she was wearing a tight light gray dress that shows off her curves. Her long hair was down and slightly curled. Everyone knows who she is.

She gave the men a smile and bowed, "Please, don't be too formal. I'm not important here." she said as she got inside the elevator, with two big guys following her. They were her bodyguards.

She looked at the paper bag she's holding, then to her bodyguards. "Haven't I told you two that you don't have to be with me at all times?" She said politely, smiling at her bodyguards. One of the bodyguards pressed the button that'll bring them to the top floor and said, "I'm sorry, Ma'am. But it's Mr. Matsuno's orders."

She sighed as she watched the elevator close. "Remind me to have a word with him about this." she said. "O-Oh no, Ma'am! It's alright! We don't have any problems with it!" said the other bodyguard.

When she got into a certain someone's apartment, she saw a lot of guys hanging around there. She wasn't suprise. All of the men got up and bowed at her, "Nice to see you, Ms. Shimizu!"

Her bodyguards, closed the door for her then went to one side and stood there like statues.

She gave them a small smile and said, "There's no need to bow and greet me."

They all went back to their positions, blushing and smiling at her, I mean, who won't? She's a very attractive woman and not only her appearance is beautiful, she's beautiful inside and out.

"You will never change, [first name]." said a guy, standing near the window with his back facing her. She rolled her eyes at him and went up to him, still carrying the paper bag with her.

She stood beside him, looking up at him since he's taller than her. "Why did you still send two men to pick me up? I told you I can drive myself here.." she said. The man with beside her turned his head and looked at her, "You already know the reason why."

She sighed, "I can handle myself you know?" She said, giving him a soft smile. He chuckled, "I know that, I just want you to have bodyguards following you around so you wouldn't cheat on me.."

She laughed and tried to smack the back of his head, but he dodged it. "So you don't trust me?" She asked. He laughed, "I was only kidding. I know you would never do that." he said as he pulled her close to him and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

She chuckled softly, gently pushing him away from her. "Can you not be so clingy when there's people around?" she said, looking at the men behind them. They were all blushing and looking away awkwardly.

"So what? You're mine." He said, looking at her lovingly. She laughed, "Shut up, Chifuyu." she said, giving him the milkshake that he wanted. One of her bodyguards came and took the empty paper bag from her and left.

He laughed, "Thanks, I'm stressing out a little." he said as he kissed her again, but on the cheek this time. He began drinking it with the straw that came with it. "Just be patient, I'm sure he's on his way now." she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

Chifuyu rested his other hand on her shoulder, "I know. It's just so irritating that he's not picking up his phone." he said. [first name] laughed when she heard how annoyed he is.

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