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"Keisuke..I'm scared.."

Baji patted her head and laughed a little, "This is the first time seeing you scared, but don't worry. Just follow my lead."

She gulped and gave him a small nod. He's wearing his Toman uniform while she's still wearing her school uniform. They're both waiting for someone to arrive. [first name] knows they're going to Valhalla, and Baji said that he needs her and Chifuyu's cooperation. She's a bit confused why Chifuyu's coming with them, knowing that Chifuyu has no idea with any of Baji's plans.

They heard footsteps approaching them, the cousins looked at the same direction and saw Chifuyu, also wearing Toman's uniform. Chifuyu was a bit suprised when he saw [first name]'s here too. "Baji-san, what's [first name] doing here?!" He yelled, slightly angry. [first name] was confused why he looked so angry. "Shut up, Chifuyu. Let's just go." said Baji, turning his back on them.

Chifuyu groaned and followed him, pulling [first name] with him. "Chifuyu, what's going on?" She asked. Chifuyu stayed quiet for a minute then looked at her, "[first name], whatever happens, don't leave my side, okay?"

[first name] became a little nervous, thinking that Chifuyu might also know about Baji's plans. She quickly acted like she has no idea what's happening, "W-What are you talking about?"

He looked at Baji in front of him, checking is he's looking at them, which he isn't. Chifuyu stopped and held both of her shoulders, he looked at her staright in the eyes and whispered, "We're going to Valhalla's hideout. Baji-san left Toman so he can join Valhalla, he told me to come with him because he needs a witness..." [first name]'s eyes widened in shock, "I-I thought..I was gonna be the witness.." she whispered.

Chifuyu's breath hitched, "Huh??? You know about this?!"

[first name]

"A..loyalty test..?" I whispered.

The tall lanky guy in front, named Hanma, told us that they're going to test Keisuke's faith. I don't even know how that works, and what they're going to do. Keisuke slowly turned to look at me and Chifuyu.

"Baji-san, what's going on?" Chifuyu asked, gripping my wrist tighter. It was so tight, it kinda hurts a little but I ignored it. He was in front of me, shielding me from Valhalla's gang members. They all look like creeps. I couldn't take my eyes off Keisuke, he has an evil grin on his face. I mentally gulped. I don't know what he's thinking right now..is this part of the plan?

Then I felt someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from Chifuyu. "Chifuyu!"

Chifuyu was about to help me but someone pushed him hard, causing him to land on the floor. Then someone came and stepped on his back, pinning him to the ground. I heard Chifuyu groaning in pain.

There were two guys holding me back. I tried escaping their grasp but they're too strong, and bigger than me—I couldn't, but I kept trying. "Ooh! She's fighting back!" one of them laughed. I gave them a cold stare and stepped on his foot, hard. He screamed in pain as he let go of me, hopping on one foot. The other guy immediately grabbed my other hand, preventing me to escape.

Now he's holding both of my hands behind me. Then another one came and tied my wrists.


𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now