Chapter 11 - Love and Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

Sunny looks relieved and breathes a sigh. But then his face drops to sadness.

"Oh dear~ that must have been terrible having to reject someone like that..." he hums sadly.

I nod, it was bad. I didn't know Amélie was so in love with me. He was so hopeful too. It hurt me to hurt him in such a way. I'll have to try to talk to him about being just friends.

"I know, I feel bad about it Sunny- I-I shouldn't be telling you this though...sorry." I say and he looks confused.

"It's hard because we're dating and he wanted to date me..I don't want you to feel like I made a bad choice dating you..."

"I just hope Amélie and I can still be friends..I still like him as a friend..-I-I just don't want to hurt him by being around him.." I say feeling relief getting all that off my chest.

"Of course darling," he says and hugs me warmly, "I'm making (fav food) for dinner, so just maybe stay in your room and relax, yeah?"

"Yeah okay."

I walk to my room and close the door. I sit on my bed and pull out my phone from my pocket.

Oh crap I haven't texted Ren yet..!

I open my message app and see some texts from an unknown number.

Hey cutie~ it's Ren from Renee's Diner.



Are you ignoring me?

Hellllo?? You gave me the right number right??

Text me back~

I reply to his pestering texts:

Hi Ren, I just now saw your texts and I did give you the right number haha

He replies right away and I'm a little shocked.


Yay I was worried you gave me a fake~


tell me about yourself cutie~

We chat about our lives and interests and I learn a good amount about him.

He's currently working at Renee's Diner as a side job and he is very well off.
He tells me that his family has been wealthy for decades and he's the sole heir of his family's business.

He's been in numerous relationships but he says 'they were all shit' and he got his heart broken every time. He lives pretty far away and drives 2 hours to get to work. He says he likes his job and it's worth it because he likes meeting new people here.

He tells me he has a lot of friends and gossips about their lives to me. He talks and talks about every single one of his friends and is definitely over sharing but I listen.

Overall he's a pretty nice guy, and he's funny.
I tell him about me and where I'm from. I also tell him about my boyfriend and he just gives an 'mhm nice' to it.

He replies to the rest of my texts in a flirty way calling me 'cutie' and 'darling'.

yo why do you keep calling me cutie ???

I ask out of curiosity because he seems to say it a lot.

Cuz you're so cute Y/N ❤️

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