TWD OC ~ 2

40 1 0

"I taught 4th graders with more sense than you, you one-armed bastard!" (Nicholas @ Merle Dixon)


Nicholas James Levitsky


Nick - 7/10 - It definitely works, and he responds to it well enough, but he does think it's pretty generic. 

Nicky - 8/10 - Same issue as 'Nick', but it is a little more preferable. He finds it kinda childish, yet he thinks it fits.

Cola - 8/10 - One of his old school friends picked it out for him, claiming to have taken it from the middle part of his name. It was fun for a while, but he hasn't been called it in forever. It does remind him of Coca-Cola though.

Nikolai - 9/10 - His grandma chose it for him. She was Russian, and it's a branch off of Nikolaos, a somewhat common Greek and Russian name. 

Nico - 10/10 - He'll respond if you call this out at any point, honestly. His students used to love calling him this, and while it may bring up some less than pleasant thoughts as to what may have happened to them, he still loves the nickname and the memories that come with it.

Babe/Baby/Darling/Sweetheart/etc - 9/10 - it very much depends on who's saying it, but most of the times he actually takes this in stride. He isn't a necessarily flirty guy, but he may chuckle and send a cute name back your way if you start it.


26 years old at the beginning (Seasons 1-2)

27 (Seasons 3-5-ish)

28 (Seasons 6-8)

29 (Season 9 (Pre-Timeskip))

35 (Post-Timeskip)


He's a cis male, using he/him pronouns.




Nicholas is relatively kind by apocalypse standards, always offering up kind words and encouraging others to keep going. He has quite a bit of patience for the situation, though whether this is due to teaching young children for a few years before the outbreak or a result of his previous living situation is up for debate. Despite this patience, he can still get quite snippy with people if he's in a bad mood. This irritation is also apparent in arguments, where he easily lashes out and starts hollering rather early on. He isn't used to being able to express himself in the manner of talking without getting spoken over, but he's working on it.

He also tends to stay out of making plans unless someone suggests something insane and no one corrects it, which is rare. If asked, he'll give his input, but otherwise, he tends to leave the planning to the leaders. He has the brains to make articulate, careful plans, but he despises having to work with others to make them. Whenever he does, he tends to struggle with meshing various ideas and plans to make one coherent plan. He works better alone in that aspect.

When it comes to high-stress situations, he can go one of two ways- either thinking fast and getting himself and others out, or he freezes up and just stops. It mostly depends on who he's with and what the issue is. With walkers, he seems to handle it pretty well since he doesn't have to really account for a being with a higher level of thinking. With other humans though, there's the panic and uncertainty of knowing they're planning something at the same time he is.




Paul "Jesus" Rovia


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