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"I love my parents, but what kind of basic aname did they give me?" 


Harper Joy Miller


Harp - 8/10 - She calls it "stereotypical" but she lets it slide when people call her it. You'll probably get a grin out of her if you call her this, but only if she likes you. If she doesn't like you and you call her anything but "Harper" you better be praying she doesn't try to knock you out.

Miller - 0/10 - Don't. She loved her sister, but not so much her parents. They weren't terrible, but she still prefers not to remember them. She's debated changing her last name several times, but she never goes through with it with the reminder that it was also her baby sisters name.

Babe/Baby/Babes - 6/10 - It really just depends on who's calling her this. It doesn't bother her coming from close friends and people she considers family, but she'd smack you silly if you called her this when you hardly knew who she was.

(Baby) Sister - 2/10 - Again it does depend on who it is, but she generally doesn't like it. It reminds her heavily of Julia, and that's not exactly fun. So far, the only people to call her these and not gotten hit have been Carl, Daryl, and Merle. Carl is too much of a sweetheart to be mad at him for it. Daryl is pretty cool in her book, even if they got off to a rocky start, and she considers them to be close enough. Merle was mostly because she knew she couldn't take him on, but the stern warning and a small screaming match the two had settled it right quick.

Beetle - 10/10 - This one came from Sophia when they first met and she was helping the young girl identify different bugs. Sophia had found a rather pretty green  beetle and pushed it over with a stick to Harper, claiming they were both pretty. It had melted Harper's heart and Sophia seemed content with calling her Beetle. It rubbed off on some of the group after a while.


15 (Of course, this depends on the season we're at. She joins the group at the quarry within the first of everything beginning at 15 and obviously ages as time goes on. She joins the group in a state of grief after losing her sister, but she sticks around nonetheless, by the time season 5-6 roll around she's 18-19)


She identifies as female, but she is completely fine with they/them pronouns.




Harper's a young woman with a sharp mind and even sharper tongue. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and will, without hesitation, call others out on their bullshit. She doesn't take kindly to being lied to by people she trusts, even if it is "for her own good". Her parents did that enough. Despite this, she finds herself lying on occasion to those she doesn't know. It's usually nothing major and gets corrected if the person is proven to be trusted. On top of this, she can be rather quick to anger and harsh words if she doesn't feel like you're close or she doesn't like you. She has a higher tolerance for those she enjoys being around.

She's a rather trustworthy person to go to if you want to rant or ramble, so long as you're okay with her doing the same. If what you're telling her doesn't endanger the group, then she sees no problem minding her own business. With this said, she will go and tell someone if you tell her about a plan that may cause more harm than good, or she may try to fix it herself. She will not stand for reckless shit getting her and her group hurt.

With these things in mind, you must remember it's the apocalypse and a lot of these things come from a place of hurt before and after everything hit the fan. There is a softer side to her- one that comes out mostly around children and animals. If you're lucky enough to see that, feel grateful and do not betray the trust she's placed in you. She will leave little gifts in your bag, ensure you've got enough to eat and drink, and maybe even share stories of before the world went to shit. 

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