not a chapter but very important

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Please help me choose what you want for the rest of the story

1.Lila is not exposed by the end of 2 weeks but is then exposed at the end of Marinette's stay


Lila is exposed at the end of 2 weeks

2.Daminette happens when Lie-la is there


Daminette happens when Lila is gone but will see their posts on Instagram and will see them on TV and the like

3.Marinette continues to have no friends from Paris but has some from Gotham


Marinette has friends from both Gotham and Paris


Marinette has no friends from either


Everyone in Gotham likes Mari


There is a popular girl who does not like Marinette and forces other students to not talk to her but she still makes friends


Marinette becomes part of the popular group


Marinette is the ice queen

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