Chapter 1

532 12 8

Saturday 8th September
Luke's POV
Ok so I know this is a diary and all but I'm not gonna be all dear diary blah blah blah cause I am a guy and that's what girls do and I only have this diary to write my feelings and shit in seeing as I don't trust people anymore and don't really talk to anyone.

I write into this stupid diary I only have this diary because of my depression thanks to my parents leaving on me, Ben and Jack. for some reason they can handle it but I can't I guess I'm just a wimp

I also got bullied at my old school so I guess that brought down the self esteem so I just don't really make any friends just incase they turn into bullies or walk out on me just like my parents well enough about my past time to go back to reality

"Luke come down here please we need to talk" Jack shouted I groan and slowly walk downstairs to the lounge room seeing both Ben and Jack sitting on the couch

"Dude you know you have to go to school at some point" Ben starts as I sit down on the arm of one of the chairs and groan I don't really like people

"Well we have enrolled you into a new school it's fairly close so you can walk to school" Jack continues and I just sigh and look at my feet

"You start tomorrow Luke so please try to cheer up a bit" they say together I love my brothers they are really understanding and will help me with anything but making me go to school ugh why can't I just drop out and live with them

"Ugh fine see you in the morning" I mumble walking back upstairs and sitting in bed on my phone I don't have anything better to do so I decide to just go to sleep even if it is only 9:35pm

Next morning
"Luke get your ass up now you have school in 30 minutes!" I hear Ben yell as I slowly get up and get dressed I put on a grey shirt, black skinny jeans, red converses and then I brush my hair into a side fringe and put a beanie on over the top I head downstairs and I see 2 pieces of toast with Vegemite on it I smile slightly knowing Jack had left for work

"Alright come on I'll show you the way to school and then your on your own ok Luke" Ben says as I finish eating my toast I nod and we start the painful walk to hell oops I mean to school

When we get there I see lots of teenagers and kids my age walking around and talking looking happy I definitely stand out

"Please try and be happy and fit in I love you little bro I'll see you after school" Ben says hugging me quickly then walking out the school gates

I sigh and find my way towards the office to get my timetable for my classes I really hope I don't have to many classes

"Hello how may I help you?" A young lady asks as I walk into the office

"Umm I'm Luke I'm new here" I mumble shuffling my feet while looking at the floor

"Oh ok well here is your timetable I'll just call one of the boys to help you find your way to class" she says as she presses a random button on her desk

Not long after a guy with browny/blonde curly hair walked into the office Luke looked at him silently he was wearing black skinny jeans, captain America tank top, red bandana and maroon coloured vans

"Hi I'm Ashton I'm here to show you to your classes" the boy said quite chirpy which made me feel a little happier

"So your first class is music follow me music is this way" Ashton says walking down the hallway while I quickly follow him

"So here we are the music classroom" he says as we stop outside a door

"Hey I never caught your name what is it?" Ashton asks slowly leaving

"It's Luke" I mumble going into the music classroom and finding a seat next to a strange looking fella he had bright pink hair, green day band T-shirt, black skinny jeans and black converses

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