-Chapter 1-

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Y/N, Hermione, Harry and Ron were all in Gryffindor common room when Hermione said, "Its true." 

"True? What did I miss?" Y/N asked. 

"We have a new student-" Ron said smiling, and looked at Hermione. 

"And?" Y/N asked, confused, cutting Ron off.

"And his name is Mattheo Riddle." Ron said, finishing his sentence. 

"Riddle?! Is he Tom's son? And whats he doing here?" 

"Brother, not son." Hermione said. 

Harry stood up and said, "I'm going to bed." 

"Night Harry!" Y/N said. 

"It looks like hes upset..." Hermione said. 

Y/N shrugged. "After what happened with Tom, I would see why, is the new student as cute as his brother?" 

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow." 

The next day, it was potions class. 

"Today we will be looking at amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world." The professer said. 

Y/N was sitting next to Hermione, and Y/N heard footsteps. "Hermione look." Hermione turned to look at the door. 

A boy with brown hair and brown eyes with a scratch on his nose appeared. 

"Oh gosh, whose that?" 

All the girls turned to look and Pansy smiled. 

The professer turned around. "Ah! Mattheo Riddle-come in we just started the class. Harry looked at Mattheo with hatred. 

The class went on and the professer asked Y/N what she smelled in her amortentia. 

"Uhm, strong cologne. Wait-what smell is this?!" 

Hermione looked concerned. 

"Blood? And cigarettes? It smells so weird, its giving me headache." Y/N said, touching her head. 

Mattheo watched her. "Sit down for a few minutes, Y/N. New student, what do you smell?" 

"Erm. Smells like flowers, some smoke. It smells sweet." He said. 

"Hmm...Malfoy, what do you smell?"

"Sir, I smell the exact same thing." Malfoy said, smiling. 

"Huh...very interesting." 

Later that day, as Y/N finished her last class, she found Mattheo smoking. 

"Ugh-what are you doing here?" 

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "I also have the same question, are you following me?" 

"Not my fault I have the same last class as you." Y/N said, scowling. 

"And your the girl in potions class-Y/N isn't it?" 

"You remember me, I already know your name, you have quite the fans." 

He rolled his eyes. 

"Look, I gotta go to my dorm, or Hermione will come looking for me...so see you around theo-sorry I mean Mattheo." Y/N said, blushing. 

He smiled. "You can call me Theo if you want and by the way, thanks Y/N." 

"Huh? For what?" 

"Your the only one who wants to talk to me. Everyone is avoiding me." 

Y/N started laughing. "I know whose brother you are, so does everyone else. Plus I knew him." 

"Who? My brother?" 

Y/N nodded. "Yeah, we had a uh....thing." 

"I hope you realize that hes five years older than me, and probably much older than you." 

Y/N winked. "See you tomorrow Theo." 

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