Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Azara and Hunter along with John played some of the games and ate some of the food from the stands and rode some of the rides. Amity and Luz joined them, while having some fun as well. Eda walked over to the group along with King.

"We've spotted someone over by the bar," Eda said. "He looked a lot like King."

"Really? Then let's go," Luz said.

The group headed over to the tavern while avoiding some of the guards, keeping their hoods down. They walked inside to find the bar bustling with many witches and beasts. However, in a far corner, sitting at a table by themselves, there was a tall creature, wearing long yellow robes, twisted horns that pointed upwards, black fur like King's, but he also had some grey hairs underneath his chin and stretched downward like a beard, and a skull head like his. What stood out differently, was that he had wings, instead. He looked intimidating.

The creature noticed the group as they came into the bar. His eyes widen as he saw Azara then her necklace before his gaze drifted downwards until he noticed King. His eyes turned softer. He stood up and walked over to them. King stared up at the giant creature in front of him.

"King Clawthorne, at last we meet," the creature spoke. "Come, we shall talk somewhere more quieter. The emperor have eyes everywhere that isn't safe for this conversation." He signaled them to follow him and he lead them to a caravan that was parked outside.

He opened the door and gestured them to step inside. As everyone went inside, he closed the door behind him. Inside of the caravan, looked larger than what appeared from the outside, perhaps enchanted by magic? He passed everyone and sat down at a table that had a crystal ball sitting in the middle of it. There were star constellations and designs on the walls, some different herbs and scrolls, sitting on the shelves. King stared at him, silently, not sure of what to say. What could he say? He had so many questions to ask him. The creature gestured for everyone to take a seat and they did, now sitting at the round table.

"Um, h-hi," King stammered nervously, his voice shaking as he stared up at the huge beast that looked similar to him, sitting in front of him. "Oh geez, I'm already blowing this! Let me start over! You don't know how much I've been wanting to meet you! What am I?! What are we?! What does this symbol mean? Why do I shoot out sonic blasts from my mouth!? Are you my-" the creature let out a deep rumble, laughing joyfully, at the numerous questions that King blurted out all at once.

"Slow down, little one," He said, calmly. "There will be plenty of time to answer all your questions."

"I'm sorry," King blushed, embarrassed. "You don't know how much this means to me! To finally be able to another one of me, to know that I'm not alone. Dad, I-" King stopped when he saw the creature had a solemn look on his face.

"Hey, dad, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" King asked, confused.

"No, little one," the creature shook his head. "You have every right to ask such questions. But, as much as I wish that I was, I'm not your father."

King stared at him confused. "Then who are you? Where is my father?"

"My name is Oberon. I am a close friend of your father," he told King. "The symbol on your collar is our clan's mark. I am sorry to tell you this, but your father is dead."

"!" King shook his head. "No, no, no! Your lying! My father was a great warrior! He wouldn't have died so easily! I've seen those murals back at the place where I came from."

"King..." Azara said, softly. She tried to reach out to him but, King smack her hand away. He climbed and stood up on the table, now narrowing his eyes at Oberon.

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