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Normally, the young redhead would spend his free time drawing in his coloring book, sometimes adding his own illustrations, but now he had something else in mind. It's been two weeks since he and Marc kissed on one of Kim's annual dares, and they haven't forgotten about it since. They spent more time together whenever they saw each other, Marc made him more of those bracelets he wears, Nathaniel gives him drawings. Now he wants to do something a little more special.

Which is why he made a flower crown.

It made sense. They're so colorful, Marc likes wearing a lot of colors, and Nathaniel couldn't get the image of his sort-of boyfriend wearing a flower crown.

He went to Rose of course, since that girl knew everything there is to know about how to make flower crowns. She could barely contain her excitement and out of nowhere, dumped a bunch of colorful fake flowers out of her pink backpack during class free time.

"It's better to use the fake ones because they last longer," she had said.

The artist's nimble fingers carefully braided the fake stems connected to the multicolored flowers as the blonde went over the instructions one more time.

"Oh!" Rose reached into her backpack and pulled out some glitter tape. "I use this sometimes when they won't braid."

Nathaniel looks into his backpack for the hundredth time to make sure his gift was in there, because he'll admit it, he can be forgetful. When he sees the colorful petals, he sighs in relief.

Aya ruffles her sons hair. "Marc will love it, sweetie." When she and Maison heard about their son's boyfriend, they couldn't contain her excitement and walked Nathaniel through everything he needs to know about a relationship... Although, they may have been a little too excited considering that Nathaniel is only four years old, but it just felt so good to have that talk with him.

He looks up at her with those big blue eyes. "Are you sure?"

"You'll find out when you see him," she says before walking him into his classroom. "I'll pick you up after class, dear." Aya kisses him on the cheek. "Love you."

"Love you, momma," he says as she left.

"Nath!" The redhead braced himself for the energetic brunette to tackle him into a hug like always. "Come on! You gotta see this!"

He tilts his head in confusion. "What's going on?"

"Kim got his head stuck in the trashcan," she cackled. "I-I don't even know how, but come on!" Without waiting for an answer, she drags her friend over to where their teacher and a janitor is trying to help the Vietnamese boy.

It was now time for recess. Mme. Mendeleive's students came out a little later then Mme. Bustier's, giving Marinette, Alix, Juleka, and Rose enough time to reassure Nathaniel once again that the gift he has planned for Marc is perfect.

"He's gonna love it!" Marinette squealed. "I just know it!"

"It's really nice," Juleka said behind her purple sweater paws, nearly inaudible.

Rose cupped his face and looked her friend right in the eye. "You got this!"

"Shit yeah, you do!" Alix exclaimed, making her friends giggle. The brunette had been learning some swear words from the older kids in the building and would blurt one out every five minutes, not caring if she used it the right way or not. "Hey, here they come." She points go where the purple-haired teacher and her students are walking out of the school.

Marc and Aurore seem to be teaching Mireille how to play some clapping game as they made their way out. The Eurasian girl looked confused, but enjoyed watching.

Nathaniel was suddenly nervous again. Why was he doing this? Maybe he should just draw something for Marc again, forget the flower crown, and-

"Hey," Juleka's quiet voice roused him from his thoughts. "You got this, okay?" She grabs his shoulders and turns him towards the students who were already running around and playing with their friends from the other class.

And there was Marc, still with Aurore, trying to walk Mireille through how the game is played. The redhead cannot and will not get over how cute he looks.

'I've got this.' He made his way towards the group of three.

Out of the corner of her eye, Mireille sees the familiar mess of red hair and held back a giggle. She taps Aurore on the shoulder and tilts her head towards Nathaniel.

The blonde girl grinned. "Marc," she sang. "It's your boyfriend." With that, she and her friend ran off giggling.

Knowing who they were talking about, Marc turned his head and beamed when he saw who was approaching. "Hi, Nath."

Nathaniel managed to force himself to speak through his nervousness. "H-hey, Marc! I... I uh... I made you something." He blushed, nervously presenting the flower crown to Marc.

His green eyes practically glittered. "Nath, oh my gosh, it's so pretty!"

The crushing weight suddenly left Nathaniel's shoulders. "Y-you really like it?" At Marc's enthusiastic nod, he shakily put the flower crown on him. "There. It uh, looks nice on you."

Marc pulled him in for a hug, "Thanks!" before kissing him on the cheek. Not noticing Nathaniel's red face, he continued, "I need to show Aurore and Mireille!" With that, he ran off the show the two girls his gift.

Nathaniel placed his hand over the cheek Marc kissed and was unable to contain his giddy laughter anymore. The noirette was going to be the absolute death of him and oddly enough... Nathaniel was pretty okay with that.

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now