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Eight sets of eyes were on the last empty parking spot just right at the front of the school.

Alix looked out the passenger side window and glared, but not at the person driving. As if he sensed her, Kim leaned over and glared right back at the pinkette. It was just another glaring match between the two as usual. The members of their respective groups knew this could take a while and counted down the seconds.

Now was the time. Nino turned to Kim with a knowing look. "Floor it?"

"No. Gun it," Kim smirked.

Hearing this, Alix turned to Nathaniel and yelled, "Gun in, Nath!"

The two drivers pressed their foot on the gas pedals and sped towards the parking spot, both determined to not let the other get it. But before any of them could even get close, the familiar rev of a motorcycle hit everyone's ears.

"Look out!" Rose shouted and immediately, Nino and Nathaniel slammed the breaks of their cars before they could hit the red motorcycle that seemed to have just come out of nowhere. Everyone looked out the windows of their cars, students making their way towards the school turned their heads, all wanting to see the mystery person under the helmet. When the motorcyclist removed their helmet, the students were in awe.

They slicked their messy black hair back to get it off of their face and graced the student body by opening their gorgeous emerald-green eyes.

"... Damn," Nathaniel whispered, his eyes never leaving the new students.

"Who is that?" Kim and Alix asked simultaneously. They were just so cool. The entrance, the red leather jacket, even the way they walked like they didn't have a single care in the world... One thing's for sure, though, "We need them in our gang."

"Yeah," Nathaniel murmured as he leaned against the wheel. "We totally do."

Nathaniel casually strolled into the library, not his usual spot, but he did see the new kid go in there. He had to be quick. Kim and his gang, Alix, Juleka, and Rose are probably looking for them right now. No doubt they'll keep badgering them until they join one of their gangs... And while he wouldn't mind having probably the cutest person in school at the moment be a member of the Grafitti Kids, Nathaniel just wanted some time to get to know them first.

After grabbing some random book off the shelf so he didn't look weird just sitting in the library, the redhead sat at the table in front of the noirette and subtly looked behind over his shoulder. There they are, face in a book, looking so cute reading...

'Fantasize later,' he reminded himself. Nathaniel began to slip off his leather jacket, oftentimes looking back to see if the new kid was stealing glances. They weren't. Time to get their attention. With his jacket all the way off, Nathaniel stretched his arms out and yawned. Who knew going to the gym with Alix would actually work out in his favor?

Hearing a yawn, Marc instinctively looked up from their book to see a redheaded student clearly trying to be a showboat, flaunting his biceps and making it seem like a yawn. They rolled their eyes in amusement and went back to reading. Marc knew all about the two rival gangs here and apparently, the second they see some new kid on a motorcycle, they're looking to recruit and show up one another. Yeah, not a chance. 'Nice try, Little Red.'

Nathaniel stole a quick glance and saw in disappointment that the new kid wasn't ogling him like most of the students at school and let out a quiet groan. 'Damn it.'

"There they are, fellas," said Kim, glancing at the new kid from across the cafeteria. "Our ticket to finally one-upping those Grafitti nerds." He turns to the blonde boy. "Adrien, you know what you're doing?"

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now