Lylie Family Life

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TW: Talk of death, fire, and child loss. Don't read if these things will trigger you.

Disclaimer, these are not my characters, except Cyrah, Fen, Mera and Catalin. The rest belong to Shannon Messenger.

Linh and Wylie Endal had two children. Cyrah May Endal and Fen Prentice Endal. Cyrah was their oldest, and Fen was their youngest. They wanted more kids, but due to an incident with the Neverseen a few years prior, Linh had been struggling to get pregnant, and when she did, most of the time, it ended with a miscarriage.

They were both working in Team Valiant as Regents. So when they got the hail from Sophie saying that something had happened and that they had to leap to a house belonging to a couple of Regents, they didn't hesitate.

Linh and Wylie reluctantly left their kids with Mai and Quan Song who had become more involved in their childrens' lives, despite the twins being hesitant to allow it.

Then Linh and Wylie leaped to the location.

"What happened?!" Linh gasped.

The house, once beautiful, was a wreck.

"The Neverseen attacked it. Apparently the Regents who lived here had helped stop an attack." Sophie murmured.

"Did they...." Biana whispered.

"They're gone. No way they could've gotten out." Dex rasped.

There was a painful silence among the many members of the team. The Endals, the Foster-Vackers, the Vackers, and the Dizznees, plus Stina and Maruca, we're painfully silent.

"They had children!" Maruca suddenly remembered.

"Where are the kids?"

The Councillors glittered into the scene. Oralie answered the question.

"They had been with their grandparents."

"We need someone to be watching them. The girls....their grandparents don't have a fantastic relationship with the family." Bronte said.

The Regents glanced at one another. Who would watch them?

"Do they have any other family?" Sophie's question was answered with hesitation.


"We would appreciate it if one of you could watch the girls, until at the very least, we find someone to adopt both of them." Emery didn't make it seem as though there was a choice.

The friends glanced at each other again. Tam and Biana's daughter was ill, and they wouldn't be able to care for the two orphans while taking care of their sick daughter. Sophie and Fitz had only just welcomed their second daughter into the world a few weeks earlier, and were adjusting to being parents of two. It would be much to hard for them to take care of four children. Dex and Marella had triplets who were one years old, and adding to more kids would make things much too chaotic.

Stina had only just gotten married. She wasn't ready for kids yet. Maruca was in a brand new relationship, and also wasn't ready for kids yet. That left the Endals. They were well adjusted to their two kids. They had been trying for more for a while. It seemed ideal.

"We'll take them."

Tam and Maruca made worried faces. Would Linh and Wylie really be able to take in two more kids on top of their two?

"Splendid, we'll find the whol-"

While Emery was mid sentence, a light filled the area and a couple with two little girls leaped in.

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