Hinny Wedding

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Ginerva Molly Weasley was getting married. It was amazing and overwhelming. Oh so overwhelming. But she couldn't wait. And the best part. She was marrying the man she loved. Harry James Potter.

"Help me, will you?" She asked her matron of honor.

Hermione laughed and helped Ginny get her wedding dress on. The dress hugged Ginny's curves and flowed like a ball gown from her waist down.

"Ready for the hair?" Hermione asked.

"Of course."

While the brides maids were getting themselves and the bride ready, the men were already heading to the Burrow. The wedding and reception would be held there.

Harry was wearing his suit. His best man, Ron stood at his side laughing at Harry's nerves.

"Relax mate. It's just Ginny. The same girl you've known since first year." Ron laughed.

"Yeah, but now we're getting married, mate."

"Okay, and?"

"You'll understand in a few months, Ron, when you're marrying Hermione." Harry smirked.

Ron turned a little red, as he remembered how Hermione was so excited to get married and how nervous he was.

"That's what I thought, Ron." Harry grinned.

And then it was time. Harry took his spot at the alter. Ron gave him an encouraging pat on the back.

The brides maids filled down the aisle. Hermione was wearing a beautiful light blue dress and was holding a white flower bouquet. She reached the alter and grinned at Ron. And then Ginny came.

Ginny's dress was perfect on her. Her hair was curled and pulled into a half bun. Her makeup was largely natural, except for the lipgloss, which was a bright red. She was stunning.

She reached the alter, after what seemed like an eternity to Harry. She placed her hands in Harry's after handing the bouquet to Hermione.

Finally came the end of the wedding.

"Do you Harry James Potter take Ginerva Molly Weasley as you're magically wedded wife?"

"I do." Harry grinned.

"Do you Ginerva Molly Weasley, take Harry James Potter to be you're magically wedded husband?"

"I do." Ginny smiled.

"You may kiss the bride."

Harry pressed his lips against Ginny's, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Everyone cheered, and the couple pulled apart grinning.

"Hawwy!!! Gingee!!!" Teddy, their two year old godson, toddler over.

"Teddy Bear!"

The after party had begun a few minutes before, and Molly had finally allowed Teddy to rejoin his godparents.

"Are you liking the party?" Harry asked.

"Yah!" Teddy squealed.

"You want desert, huh?" Ginny smirked.

Teddy nodded repeatedly. The now married couple laughed and Harry picked the baby up. The small family walked over to the dance floor Harry set the toddler on the ground.

Teddy looked up at his godparents. Ginny and Harry started to dance, laughing as Teddy mimicked the motion, his arms around their legs.

Hours had passed but to the new married couples, it seemed like seconds. Teddy was being held by Hermione while Ginny and Harry shared on last dance for the night.

"I love you Ginny, I mean Mrs. Potter." Harry whispered, kissing her on the lips.

"I love you too, Harry, oh sorry. Mr. Potter." Ginny whispered back, kissing him back.

And finally after years of war, death and suffering, the Potters were together again.

This is the first oneshot. All characters belong to J.K. Rowling. Hope you enjoyed it loves. Happy reading!

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