𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐢 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 ▸𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚

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Bucky looked sleepily at his watch, then rolled over to see if Sam was still asleep or if he had got up sooner, as always. Of course, the other half of the bed was empty. Barnes yawned and lay there a moment longer, staring at the white ceiling, before reluctantly getting up and changing.

Ever since he and Sam had been together, things had started to turn around again. Nightmares still made themselves known here and there, but they didn't haunt him every night. Even his sleep problems were wearing off, and whenever he found it hard to sleep, he could curl up in Sam's warm arms. Bucky finally knew that he could turn to someone if he needed, that someone was there for him, and always would be, in his good moments and the bad ones. And with that in mind, things were simpler for him.

After getting dressed and making the bed, he went down, where cheerful boys' voices came to him. As soon as he appeared downstairs, Cass and AJ ran to him enthusiastically. "Bucky!" cried Cass, beaming as he saw James waiting for them with a smile on his face and open arms. The two boys hugged him tightly, and he hugged them.

"We were going to wake you up to surprise you, but Mom wouldn't let us," the younger AJ complained at once.

"You know, mothers have to be obeyed," Bucky winked as Sam's nephews pulled away from him.

"But Sam said it would be fun," AJ added, grinning. "Uncle Sam is funny."

"Really? Did Uncle Sam say that to you?" Bucky raised his eyebrows and looked into the kitchen, where Sam, wearing a chef's apron and making a sly face, glided casually into the doorway. "I've got a feeling Uncle Sam's going to accidentally fall out of bed at night..."

Cass laughed. "See, even Uncle Bucky is funny," he said, elbowing his brother. AJ punched him in the shoulder, and the two boys immediately began to poke each other, as was their custom. It's a good thing neither of them has any superpowers, shield or vibranium arm, Bucky thought as he went into the kitchen to ask Sam what that was all about. And also to say good morning, of course.

"Oh, Sleeping Beauty is awake," Sam greeted him with a grin, his eyes twinkling.

"Nice apron," Bucky said dryly, reading the embroidered sign Mommy on his chest and leaning against the door frame, folding his arms. "Hi, Sarah," he said to Sam's sister, who was sitting at the dinner table drinking coffee.

Sam picked up the spoon. "Hey, think about what you're saying and what tone you're using, or you won't get breakfast," he warned, quite seriously, and then looked him over. "And stop seducing me."

Bucky raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm not seducing you."

"Oh, yes, you do," Sam insisted, turning to his sister. 'Tell us, Sarah, is he seducing me?'

Sarah raised her hands as if in surrender. "I don't know either of your's seduction tricks, so please don't drag me into this."

Sam rolled his eyes and lifted the pan off the stove to scrape scrambled eggs for Bucky on his plate. "Sit down before I change my mind and you stay hungry."

"I'm sure the boys would bring me something in secret," Bucky winked, and Sam stopped. Then he looked incredulously at Sarah, who was muffling her laughter.

"He's got allies here, can you believe that?"

Sarah just shrugged with a smile. "Actually, I can."

"Unbelievable," said Sam, shaking his head and putting his plate on the table. "My family traded me for some White Panther."

"It's White Wolf," Bucky said, rolling his eyes.

"Sure, tiger," Sam mimicked, but then grabbed him around the waist and pulled him close for a kiss. "Too bad my sister's here," he muttered, but deliberately so that Sarah could hear.

"All right, I better go," she said, and Bucky gave Sam a look. Sarah patted her brother on the shoulder and smiled at Barnes. "I almost pity you for having to stay here with him."

"Hey, hey, what's this all about?" Sam frowned, wanting to look angry, but finally laughing. "Remember, we're babysitting your kids."

"Right, so speaking of kids, don't forget they're here," she winked omnisciently before leaving the kitchen to say goodbye to her sons. Bucky, meanwhile, sat down at the table and began to eat his breakfast, and Sam went to see Sarah off.

Bucky had barely eaten a few bites when Cass and AJ came running into the kitchen. It was immediately obvious to the soldier that something was up. "Cass claims you're stronger than the two of us put together and we can't beat you," AJ reported at once, watching eagerly. "But I told him it wasn't true."

"Do you really think you can beat me?" Bucky asked with an amused smile, slowly rising from his chair.

"Yeah!" AJ replied confidently.

"Well, we'll have to see about that," Bucky snarled playfully, and bent down, cradling the two boys in his arms. AJ shrieked, and when he started laughing, Cass joined him. Bucky slung them over his shoulder and remarked with amusement, "This is all you got, huh? Captain America didn't teach you much."


'Bucky, get up,' came Sam's soft voice from afar. He just mumbled something and pulled the blanket up to his chin. He heard laughter, and then a strong male body pressed against him. Bucky threw his arm over his torso and pulled him close. "Are you awake?"

"No, Bucky's asleep," he answered hoarsely, yawning.

Sam poked him in the chest with a finger. "It's Christmas. Gifts are waiting."

"You're such a 5-years-old kid, Samuel."

"Well, I'm sorry I can't wait to find out what you gave me."

"I gave you my heart, what more do you want?" Bucky prodded, opening his eyes just as Sam frowned in outrage and started to pull away. Barnes laughed and hugged him tighter. "Don't worry, you'll get a present."

Sam looked more pleased with himself. "I think so." Then he leaned over and kissed him.

Bucky smiled, hugged him, and closed his eyes again so he could savor their moment all the more intensely. "So, have you picked a date for our wedding yet?" he asked, amused, stroking Sam's back.

Sam chuckled. "What? Bucky, we're not engaged."

At that moment, Bucky's eyes open and he sat up abruptly. He sat stunned for a moment, then looked back at Sam, who at first was watching him blankly, then put his hand over his mouth and tried not to laugh.

"Damn," Bucky sighed, "I knew I forgot to do something yesterday."

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