Chapter 20:Midnight Raid

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(At the cave in Ruby's point of view)

"Guys,I think we should rest now,I am so tired"I said yawning

"Good idea Rue"Kaida said,walking to me and lying on my back,she seemed to replace Artemis by acting like him,somehow it angers me that she thinks he can be replaced somehow,thenI had let it out on her.

I breathed fire next to her and she moved with disbelief,then I formed another fire ball,then I was hit in the face with something,I turned and there was nothing,I looked confused,then I was hit again,I limped and fell,then Scepthis lit himself up,and said.

"Zegonn,stop!"then the cave lit up and I saw a humanoid wolf in the wall.

"So,your the onewho killed Alaze and Zilla,tell me Scepthis why?"he said.

Creeping to Scepthis I charged and then he held his paw and then for no reason I whimpered and walked back.Scepthis roared and with his claws drove him to the wall.

"Stop doing that"

"Why not?I am the being of Fear"

Then his claws glowed purple and then two beings formed,one I recognized all too well.

"No,it can't be Helios is not here"I said,walking back.

Kaida walked to me and said.

"Rue protect me"those words enraged me and I sent a fire ball at her.

"Huh,I guess I don't need fear"Zegon said,then he snapped his paws,the two creatures disappeared,tjen he looked at Scepthis.

"Go,do it,I know you can't,after what I did for you"Zegonn said.

I roared and fought Kaida she said.

"Why Ruby,why?"that was what I heard,then I was gone...

(The cave in Scepthis' point of view)

"Go,do it,I know you can't do it,after what I did for you"Zegonn said.

I roared,then I looked at Ruby,she gritted her teeth and looked at the floor.Tne she roared,and sent a fire ball at the wall,instead of red,it was purple,then she turned black for a second,the red again,then she settled on black,and laughed.

She had become black with purple markings,all her flames turned purple.Her spikes turned purple and she roared.Then she walked to another figure next to a wall,Artemis.

"There's my dragon,took you a while"Artemis said as he stroked the bottomof her chin,Ruby purred.

"What was your name again?Oh,who cares i'll call you....Delphine,yeah has a nice touch"Artemis said.

I forgot about him,then he got his claws and sunk it into me,I roared and then he whispered.

"Pathetic,you turned soft,you pathetic excuse for a creature,now Mania won't forgive me if I didn't warn you,so here"he lifted my chin and gashed my right cheek.

"Erebus,come"Zegonn said.

"Wait,who's she?"Artemis said.

He walked to Kaida and then lifted her chin.

"Artemis?"she asked.

"Pathetic,you always hang on to false hope"he said,dropping her,she looked in disbelief.

"Come on Delphine"then they left....

"Scepthis?"she asked.

"We can't change this anymore,the plan won't work"I said,bitterly.

"No,it has to!Artemis needs us!"Kaida said.

"Kaida stop!You saw him!How can we change him if we coudn't even scratch them?I'm sorry Kaida but the end is near"I said,bitterly.

"Scepthis,we have to try,there are only two more to face!"she said.

"Well,well,that was interesting"a voice said,I looked at the wall.

"Who are you?"Kaida said.

"I'm Chaster,now i'm either your friend or your foe,depends on what you think"

"Okay???"Kaida said.

"Yeah,why i'm here I want to show you what would happen,why?I owe Ruby"

"If you go with the plan,you will lose a lot,but not gain back enough.If you back out,a lot shall be lost and nothing shall be gained,so what do you think?Anyway,it's up to you"then he left as fast as he came.

"So,what do you choose?"Kaida asked.

"Erebus,or his insane girlfriend?Meh,death by Erebus would be better"I said,grinning.

"Shut up"she said,punching me in the arm...

(At Mania's castle)

"Mania,they are pathetic,we got Erebus' dragon,though.As for the killers,it was Scepthis,the dragon and a girl"Zegonn said.

"I see,very well Zegonn"Mania said.

"What shall we do?About the dragon and the killers?"Erebus asked.

"The dragon?Keep her,the killers,lets wait,to see if the make an appearance"Mania said.

"I'm sure they won't"Zegonn said.

"Let's see"Mania said...

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