Chapter 16:Escape from Insanity's Grasp

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(At Mania's castle in Ruby's point of view)

Mania had made a yellow orb bring back Scepthis to life but denied him of his powers.When he awoke he attempted to lunge at Mania but I stopped him.

"Why?"he asked.

"We planned this out Scepthis,this was all a plan to save you"I said.

Then Mania changed Artemis,as his dragon hearing him in pain was a burden I would never put on anyone.It took all the will I had not to stop Mania,I could see Scepthis was trying too,I just looked away.This was all planned but why to I feel guilt?I shaked the feeling off.As he was transforming I told Scepthis:

"We have to go"I muttered.

He nodded and then we flew,we can't look back,we can't turn around we have to keep going.Then we finally reached the castle,as we landed in the courtyard,Kaida was waiting for us.

"Where's Artemis?"she asked.

I coudn't talk to her,I was only bound to Artemis,who I can't reach.I know he's stil in there,I looked at Scepthis and he nodded.

"Kaida whatever I say,do not react in any way,understand?"Scepthis asked,she nodded.Then I told him:

"We should move away from here,there are too many people,we should go to the field,under the tree"I said to Scepthis.

"We should move to the tree in the field,I don't like it here"Scepthis said,so she got on Ryuu and we flew to the tree.

"Ruby?Your....grave is here,yeaaahhh"Scepthis said.

"Oh,just uhhh leave it,we don't have time"I said

"What is it you want to tell me?"Kaida asked

"Artemis,he's changed,you see Baylin found out I turned good so Mania took my powers and my life,the Artemis being a good little boy went off to Mania to help me,then they made a deal,my life for Artemis.He's not dead,only he became one of Mania's minions...."I said

"What!?We need to rescue him now!"Kaida said.

She got on Ryuu but he didn't move because,as Scepthis talked I said to him.

"If Kaida mounts you don't move Artemis told us noone will rescue him,we have a plan"Ryuu nodded.

"Ryuu come on"when Ryuu didn't move she looked at him in disbelief.

"Ryuu?"she again.Ryuu said something to her and she got off,determination in her eyes.

"What's the plan?"she asked.

I told everything to Scepthis while he dictated it.

"Since Artemis takes over my role,Mania gave him powers,then he gets hypnotized by Baylin,but the hypnosis doesn't take full control so he can fight it,but he has to give in so he has enough strength to come back at the last minute.We are to come for him in one month."

Kaida nodded.

"So what're we gonna do then?"she asked

"Prepare for Mania's final battle"Scepthis said.

(At Mania's castle)

"Baylin!Look what I made!"Mania said pointing at me.

"Ahhh,it is fine my lady,but do I need to hypnotize it?"Baylin asked,Mania nodded.

So he grabbed me and then made me stare into his hypnotic eye.

"You shall serve Mania and only Mania,you shall forget everything you learned or remember in your past self,for your past self was pathetic,you shall not go by the name of Artemis but go by the name of-"Baylin was cut off.

"Erebus"Mania said.

(At Kaida's castle)

"Hey what if we kill the other creatures of destruction?Then Mania will take away their powers and give it to Artemis.Then as he changes back he will destroy Mania with the powers she gave hm"Kaida said.

"Not bad"I said

"If we kill the other five quickly,we could do this by the end of the month!"Scepthis said

"Yeah we can,we have carnage-"Kaida was cut off

"Actually,the deal was that Ruby and Artemis would go,but only Artemis went,so I didn't get back my powers"Scepthis said.

"I can change that"I said,Scepthis looked at me.

"As an elemental we can share our powers,it weakens us,but I guess now it's worth the risk."I said.

Then I shut my eyes and concentrated,then I made my flames burn as hot as possible,then my eyes turned red,and I roared and then red orbs transferred from me to Scepthis,when I finished,I fell and Scepthsi caught me,and looked at me thankfully.

"Thanks"Scepthis said,he took a step back and then he spead his wings,and roared.

"You revived me,I gotta repay you somehow"I said

He changed,he had orange marks this time,his wing membrane set ablaze,his limbs were covered in lava,and his tail had molten rocks with searing flames at the tip of his spikes,his eyes changed to orange,and his mane had small pieces of molten rock.

"You gotta learn to control that flame so the world doesn't melt"I said.

"Okay"Scepthis said,he lowered the heat so his body turned to rock and he sat at the burnt grass.

I laughed,it was a while since I felt like this,sadly,that feeling only lasted so long...

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